Types of Female Orgasms - Make Her Cum Multiple Ways!
Unlike men, we can experience many types of orgasms, from mini-orgasms to whole body orgasms.
Today, I am going to discuss a few of the many types of orgasms that women can have: 1) The Taboo Orgasm Actually, it is an Anal Orgasm, but I call it taboo because many women feel anal sex is wrong.
Come on ladies, loosen up a bit.
Your anus is filled with pleasurable nerve endings & can deliver great orgasms for those that can overcome the cultural taboos.
2) The Soul Orgasm These types of orgasms are rare, but very satisfying.
You have to be emotionally vulnerable & have extended, intense physically sex.
These types of orgasms can make you scream, cry, sob or swear that you saw God.
These types of orgasms make your whole body explode in pleasure.
3) Mini-Orgasms We've all had these, & sometimes didn't know where they came from.
These can be caused by reading or viewing erotic material or thinking erotic thoughts.
Or we can have them by tensing & relaxing our genital muscles.
And, we don't always have to be stimulated to have these! 4) Squirting Orgasms A lot of women are afraid of these because they think they are releasing urine.
Wrong! Don't shy away from these.
They can be very intense & pleasurable.
5) The Goddess Spot Orgasm Better known as the G-Spot, the Urethral Sponge can be reached through the upper inside wall normally about 1 1/2 to 2 inches inside.
This spot responds more to pressure than anything else, & the effect can range from subtle to earth shattering.
What's important here is not how you get to orgasm, but that you pay attention to your body & learn the different ways that you can achieve an orgasm.