Body Contouring: Post-Operative Compression Garments Offer A Non-Surgical Solution
Body contouring can involve different types of plastic surgery procedures, which means you need a lot of time for the surgery as well as the recovery. If you absolutely can't take time off work or school, you may want to ask your surgeon about using compression garments to achieve results similar to surgical body contouring procedures.
Yes, you can shape-up by simply wearing specially designed undergarments. Here's what you need to know about them:
Compression garments are typically used for post-operative care to keep the operated area stationary, which limits the amount of trauma caused by normal movement. This keeps swelling and bruising down during the recovery. Typically these undergarments are worn for a month or longer depending on the type of procedure.
Women's undergarments have utilized the same principle of these specialized pieces for body contouring and holding in problem areas- think of paneled underwear, girdles and control top pantyhose. More recently, men and women are seeking a solution to their shape and weight issues by wearing them instead of having surgery.
Made of lightweight, soft weave, and water wicking materials, these pieces are great for you. They are also made of a thinner material that, while it fits snug to your body, also fits nicely under your clothes.
The best part about them is that they hold in the fat and keep you from bouncing around while you bicycle, do aerobics or any other activity to help you lose some weight. Wearing targeted compression garments can also help tone the muscles because you naturally want to contract the muscles as it compresses the area.
As you lose the weight, your skin starts sagging and gravity takes over. If you are wearing these compression garments, they will hold the skin in place and give it time to recover and fit to your new shape.
There are different pieces of clothing for each area that needs a better shape. In case of men, they particularly benefit from the torso pieces that hold the fatty breast tissue at bay and flatten the enlarged breasts underneath the clothes.
These torso pieces also hold the abdomen and "love handles" for men and women. Some pieces are longer and cover the abdomen up to the breasts, hips and thighs. You look better in your clothes as you work off the weight and shape yourself.
As you age, your skin loses tone and elasticity. So, this non-surgical technique may not work as long as you'd like. Visit a board certified plastic surgeon for an evaluation. If he/she feels that you are a good candidate for non-surgical body contouring, he/she can set you up with the necessary compression garments for your problem areas. Otherwise, he/she may recommend certain surgical procedures in addition to the undergarments for the best results possible.
Yes, you can shape-up by simply wearing specially designed undergarments. Here's what you need to know about them:
Compression garments are typically used for post-operative care to keep the operated area stationary, which limits the amount of trauma caused by normal movement. This keeps swelling and bruising down during the recovery. Typically these undergarments are worn for a month or longer depending on the type of procedure.
Women's undergarments have utilized the same principle of these specialized pieces for body contouring and holding in problem areas- think of paneled underwear, girdles and control top pantyhose. More recently, men and women are seeking a solution to their shape and weight issues by wearing them instead of having surgery.
Made of lightweight, soft weave, and water wicking materials, these pieces are great for you. They are also made of a thinner material that, while it fits snug to your body, also fits nicely under your clothes.
The best part about them is that they hold in the fat and keep you from bouncing around while you bicycle, do aerobics or any other activity to help you lose some weight. Wearing targeted compression garments can also help tone the muscles because you naturally want to contract the muscles as it compresses the area.
As you lose the weight, your skin starts sagging and gravity takes over. If you are wearing these compression garments, they will hold the skin in place and give it time to recover and fit to your new shape.
There are different pieces of clothing for each area that needs a better shape. In case of men, they particularly benefit from the torso pieces that hold the fatty breast tissue at bay and flatten the enlarged breasts underneath the clothes.
These torso pieces also hold the abdomen and "love handles" for men and women. Some pieces are longer and cover the abdomen up to the breasts, hips and thighs. You look better in your clothes as you work off the weight and shape yourself.
As you age, your skin loses tone and elasticity. So, this non-surgical technique may not work as long as you'd like. Visit a board certified plastic surgeon for an evaluation. If he/she feels that you are a good candidate for non-surgical body contouring, he/she can set you up with the necessary compression garments for your problem areas. Otherwise, he/she may recommend certain surgical procedures in addition to the undergarments for the best results possible.