Creating the "Wow Effect" to Sell Your Home
Buyers shop with logic, but buy on emotion.
The best homes are those that produce that key emotional response from the moment a buyer drives up to the home and continues as they walk through each room of the house.
Just like the best movies get better with every scene, so too, a home must get better as the buyer evaluates it.
The end result is buyers who love the home and can see themselves living in it--the moment they open the door.
Sounds fairly straight forward, however producing this "Wow effect", is best created and carefully planned by a professional home staging expert.
You only have 5 seconds to make a good first impression on a buyer.
If a home lacks emotional appeal, it appears undervalued and may languish on the market longer than it should.
" Home Staging is the specialty of decorating homes to sell faster and for top dollar.
A top home staging expert will create the "Wow effect" from curb appeal to each room in the home.
The goal is to produce the emotional response to buy.
Homeowners on both coasts have become savvy of this concept over the past several years.
They realize that to out-distance the competition, they need an edge.
Home Staging is the least expensive way to produce that edge.
A top realtor can market your home and bring in prospective buyers, but a well stage home will allow them to see themselves living in it.
Many home design shows have appeared on television over the past several years.
These programs have had the effect of enhancing consumer awareness of a well decorated home, thus increasing expectations.
They want to see a "show ready home" when house shopping.
Many people have a difficult time seeing past a cluttered home with family photos adorning every wall.
Preparing a home to sell involves de-cluttering , de-personalizing, arranging furniture to create a warm and inviting space, and accessorizing to create the pizazz it needs.
If a buyer sees a clean, well organized, inviting home, the odds of selling the home increases dramatically.
In fact, this type of home often seems the exception rather than the rule.
If a home staged well, it can distinguish itself in a meaningful way and sell quickly and for top dollar.
In a soft real estate market, savvy home sellers realize that a Home Staging specialist is an affordable investment that protects them from having to consider a price reduction.
The average price reduction is approximately between 5 to 10 thousand dollars.
A Home Staging consultant is more affordable and a viable alternative to reducing the price of the home.
Many home buyers are unaware of home staging.
As awareness increases, so will the demand and importance of home staging to sellers.
Many homeowners are under stress and feel overwhelmed when selling their home.
A Home Staging consultant can help ease their fears and concerns by creating a plan of action.
Also, many homeowners are very attached to their home.
Some have had their home for decades and are now selling.
It can be a difficult and very personal experience for them.
Selling a home can be especially difficult for people experiencing financial difficulties, divorce, job changes, etc.
The transition from a very personalized home to one that will sell allows them to maximize the potential sale of their home and move on to the next phase of their lives.
Realtors are also recognizing the importance of Home Staging.
Many of the top real estate companies are hailing Home Staging for the many benefits it offers realtors as well.
Many realtors appreciate an objective third party to bring up sensitive topics with their clients or when husband and wife do not agree.
The agent does not have to appear to be choosing sides.
Home Staging also allows real estate agents to do what they do best-- market the home for sale.
Selling a home is becoming more challenging in today's real estate market.
However, the astute homeowner can utilize the skills of a capable Home Staging expert as well as a top realtor to sell their home faster and for top dollar.