Help With Paying for a GED
- The fees to sit for each of the GED tests vary widely, according to the American Counsel on Education. For example, the Alabama Literary Council of Birmingham, Alabama charges $50 to sit for each exam, while Clatsop Community College of Astoria, Oregon, charges $125. The pricing for a GED may vary depending on the testing facility near you and the amount of training and education you require to become ready for the exams.
- If you need preparation and training prior to taking the entire battery of GED exams, you may face additional fees. While some institutions offer free preparatory classes, such as those offered at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, Florida, other colleges and private tutoring organizations charge much higher fees amounting to hundreds or thousands of dollars for GED prep. If you have the motivation, you may also conduct your own self-directed training for the GED test in the privacy of your own home. Simply purchase a GED manual from your local bookstore, and begin studying at your own pace until you feel ready to sit for the exam. Most manuals come with practice exams that allow you to test your readiness.
- If you face a challenge meeting the costs of either the GED testing fees or the GED preparatory classes, there may be assistance available. One such example is Okefenokee Technical College in Waycross, Georgia, which offers a scholarship enabling students to take three out of five GED tests for free. Both Clatsop Community College and Gulf Coast Community College also indicate that financial assistance is available. Check with the testing or training facilities in your area to learn about your options.
- Even if the testing or training facility is unable to provide financial help, consider other avenues of assistance. Job Corps is a free, government-sponsored program that helps young people get their GED and learn job skills. You may also find scholarships and assistance programs by talking with your high school guidance counselor, college admissions representative or current employer.