Types Of Mutual Funds Stocks
There are three major types of stocks that an investor may choose from and these are aggressive-growth stocks, long-term growth stocks, or growth & income stocks. Just like other types of mutual funds, stocks have big potential for great returns and all one needs to do is to compare the finer details so as to make an informed and objective choice.
Aggressive-growth stocks are characteristic of small but fast growing companies like those deeply involved in technological advances.The term aggressive gives you a hint on the kind of growth to expect from this type of stock. In most cases, the returns have proven to increase rather than decrease. If you are interested in a long-term investment, this is the stock for you. Long-term growth stocks are more like the aggressive ones and they are more stable.
The reason is because they are invested in large companies which tend to have more stable businesses and steady growth rates. Such investments are favorable for long-term investments for investors who are not comfortable with the aggressive and sudden changes that are characteristic of aggressive stocks. Growth and income mutual funds are invested in more stable companies and they are good for cautious investors.