School Gardens - As Much About Education As Gardening
There are no doubt a number of good and perhaps obvious reasons for creating and developing gardens in school grounds, such as the need for shade trees in the playground, shrubs and bushes to screen the street outside, and a nice clean lawn as opposed to mud and dirt. Irrespective of these however, the garden, or the processes connected with it, should be seen as having educational potential, in the fullest and deepest meaning of the word.
Growing fruit vegetables and herbs
The best reason for raising plants for food is not to shave a bit off the school budget, but to show children that food does not originate in plastic wrappers and supermarket shelves, but is grown according to specific processes. By being involved at some stage of that process, whether by way of planting, composting, pruning or harvesting, the child's mindset alters from that of a consumer, concerned only with the end product, to that of producer, concerned with, and aware of the means by which the food is produced. Could this help to engender a sense of responsibility in the children? I think there is a connection between the two.
Creating a beautiful landscape
It is easy to cite the usual benefits to be derived from working, studying and playing in an attractive and pleasing environment. The deeper question though involves the educational implications of inculcating design knowledge and aesthetic sensitivity in schoolchildren. Will they as a result, understand better the connection between things? For what after all is composition, if not the correct order in which different elements work together.
An enhanced design sense grants children at least some freedom of thought from the vice-like grip of peer group pressure, a phenomenon ruthlessly exploited by the fashion industry, and therefore has implications for self-esteem and emotional independence.
Helping the biology and chemistry teachers!
On a more prosaic level, involving the children in horticultural work can increase their enthusiasm and interest in the science subjects. By working the soil, such terms as "ionic exchange" or "pH", may seem less detached from their reality, as will the expression "balanced eco-system", after they have had to cope a few times with plant pests and disease. A biology class on "nutrient uptake in plants" may take on new meaning following the childrens' experience of seeing their plants in the field respond to feeding.
Last, but definitely not least, by growing their own fruit and vegetables, they may enjoy the opportunity of eating freshly grown produce and start to look at the stuff bought at the supermarkets with a different eye. Now there's education for you!
Growing fruit vegetables and herbs
The best reason for raising plants for food is not to shave a bit off the school budget, but to show children that food does not originate in plastic wrappers and supermarket shelves, but is grown according to specific processes. By being involved at some stage of that process, whether by way of planting, composting, pruning or harvesting, the child's mindset alters from that of a consumer, concerned only with the end product, to that of producer, concerned with, and aware of the means by which the food is produced. Could this help to engender a sense of responsibility in the children? I think there is a connection between the two.
Creating a beautiful landscape
It is easy to cite the usual benefits to be derived from working, studying and playing in an attractive and pleasing environment. The deeper question though involves the educational implications of inculcating design knowledge and aesthetic sensitivity in schoolchildren. Will they as a result, understand better the connection between things? For what after all is composition, if not the correct order in which different elements work together.
An enhanced design sense grants children at least some freedom of thought from the vice-like grip of peer group pressure, a phenomenon ruthlessly exploited by the fashion industry, and therefore has implications for self-esteem and emotional independence.
Helping the biology and chemistry teachers!
On a more prosaic level, involving the children in horticultural work can increase their enthusiasm and interest in the science subjects. By working the soil, such terms as "ionic exchange" or "pH", may seem less detached from their reality, as will the expression "balanced eco-system", after they have had to cope a few times with plant pests and disease. A biology class on "nutrient uptake in plants" may take on new meaning following the childrens' experience of seeing their plants in the field respond to feeding.
Last, but definitely not least, by growing their own fruit and vegetables, they may enjoy the opportunity of eating freshly grown produce and start to look at the stuff bought at the supermarkets with a different eye. Now there's education for you!