Writing With Style
It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Does it take a thousand words to get your message across? Whether you're writing a new book or a simple article for submission to a website, here are a few tips that you should follow to get the most out of your work.
€Know what it is you want to say.€ In order to write quality content, it helps greatly to have experience with the subject matter in that book or article. The more knowledge that the writer has on the subject makes it easier to tell the story. If that writer enjoys what they write about it only makes that story more interesting.
€Keeping it simple.€ Readers know more about Writers that they follow than those Writers know about themselves. A Writer can't fool their Readers by using word hypnosis on them. In other words, never change your writing style by using words that those readers are unaccustomed to reading in books or articles you are the Author of.
€Perfection from experience.€ The more a Writer spends working in their craft, the better that they will become. If you don't believe that is truth, take the time to explore that first manuscript or article you wrote.
€Pour your heart and soul into words written.€ I read many books, articles and posts during the weeks out of the months. Sometimes, I'll find something out there that is so well written that you just know that writer has written a perfect masterpiece. It will help make sales happen also.
Have you seen reviews on books where the reviewer claims they couldn't put the book down? Those book stories were well written with an extreme seriousness to detail because that Author enjoyed writing the story just as much as those Readers enjoyed reading it. That is pouring your heart and soul into the story.
€Never force yourself to write.€ Writing is all about something that you love and want to do. Look back over several months and you will remember certain times that you were writing that every sentence would flow like magic. That is called €The Zone.€ During those periods, one can write hours upon hours in one sitting.
Sometimes, Writers will take breaks from writing because of €Writer's Block.€ Many try to train themselves into a daily habit of writing so many words per day. Writing is all about something you love and want to do. Never force yourself into a routine that will become stale. Write when you really want to and not because it is about making money. Never make writing, something you should love to do turn into something to worry about in regards to making money through the rush to produce books.
€Research! Research!€ Oh yes, know everything about whatever it is in that story you're writing about. For example, if you are explaining a scene in the 16th century of England about the clothing of that era in a book story, you best do that nifty little research so you're accurate within those details in the book. Otherwise, you can bet a silver dollar that one of those readers of that story will inform you in a book review of mistakes made.
€The fear of what others might think or say about my writing.€ Yes, it happens every single day on one website or another. You will find a new Writer or Author with this profound fear of publishing a new book or the same towards an article they posted somewhere online.
You need to put that fear behind you. Go read some of the comments posted on some of the most popular websites on highly targeted articles and you will see some of most ghastly use of words going today. As FDR once said, €The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.€
I hope you enjoyed this little article and the tips offered from it help you in strengthening your desires to become a better writer. It is an extremely interesting subject and I may post more on it in the future.
€Know what it is you want to say.€ In order to write quality content, it helps greatly to have experience with the subject matter in that book or article. The more knowledge that the writer has on the subject makes it easier to tell the story. If that writer enjoys what they write about it only makes that story more interesting.
€Keeping it simple.€ Readers know more about Writers that they follow than those Writers know about themselves. A Writer can't fool their Readers by using word hypnosis on them. In other words, never change your writing style by using words that those readers are unaccustomed to reading in books or articles you are the Author of.
€Perfection from experience.€ The more a Writer spends working in their craft, the better that they will become. If you don't believe that is truth, take the time to explore that first manuscript or article you wrote.
€Pour your heart and soul into words written.€ I read many books, articles and posts during the weeks out of the months. Sometimes, I'll find something out there that is so well written that you just know that writer has written a perfect masterpiece. It will help make sales happen also.
Have you seen reviews on books where the reviewer claims they couldn't put the book down? Those book stories were well written with an extreme seriousness to detail because that Author enjoyed writing the story just as much as those Readers enjoyed reading it. That is pouring your heart and soul into the story.
€Never force yourself to write.€ Writing is all about something that you love and want to do. Look back over several months and you will remember certain times that you were writing that every sentence would flow like magic. That is called €The Zone.€ During those periods, one can write hours upon hours in one sitting.
Sometimes, Writers will take breaks from writing because of €Writer's Block.€ Many try to train themselves into a daily habit of writing so many words per day. Writing is all about something you love and want to do. Never force yourself into a routine that will become stale. Write when you really want to and not because it is about making money. Never make writing, something you should love to do turn into something to worry about in regards to making money through the rush to produce books.
€Research! Research!€ Oh yes, know everything about whatever it is in that story you're writing about. For example, if you are explaining a scene in the 16th century of England about the clothing of that era in a book story, you best do that nifty little research so you're accurate within those details in the book. Otherwise, you can bet a silver dollar that one of those readers of that story will inform you in a book review of mistakes made.
€The fear of what others might think or say about my writing.€ Yes, it happens every single day on one website or another. You will find a new Writer or Author with this profound fear of publishing a new book or the same towards an article they posted somewhere online.
You need to put that fear behind you. Go read some of the comments posted on some of the most popular websites on highly targeted articles and you will see some of most ghastly use of words going today. As FDR once said, €The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.€
I hope you enjoyed this little article and the tips offered from it help you in strengthening your desires to become a better writer. It is an extremely interesting subject and I may post more on it in the future.