What Are the Drugs That Can Help Premature Ejaculation?
I'll also explain how they work and also the drawbacks of using these drugs for this purpose.
No single drug has yet been invented that will directly cure premature ejaculation without complications to other parts of your body.
That is because, as with many other conditions, PE is not in itself a simple, standalone condition.
It is the result of a chain of events and it cannot be turned off like a switch.
That being said, there are still a number of drugs that can be used to help with PE.
SSRIs The only drugs that have been used effectively to control premature ejaculation are SSRI drugs.
These are a popular class of antidepressants that are prescribed to millions around the world each year for depression, OCD, and various anxiety disorders.
These are effective for premature ejaculation precisely because this condition is actually a mental one and not a physical one.
The whole reason you get PE in the first place is because you have some seed of doubt (doesn't matter how small) when you are in the bedroom.
It could be about your appearance, obsessing about how long you have left till ejaculation, or whether you will be good enough in bed for your partner.
The problem with these SSRI drugs is that their effects last for the whole day, even when you are not engaging in intercourse.
Whether you are willing to accept this unintended side effect is your choice but most otherwise healthy guys do not want to.
Scientists are trying to develop a very short acting SSRI drug but have yet to release anything that works.