Is She Into You? 5 Ways on Reading Body Language Eye Contact
Even the slightest wink or blink can show a person's deepest emotion and sentiments and they give off hints and clues of dark secrets that are yet to be revealed.
Below are the five ways on reading body language through eye contact.
Learn to detect them and find out what exactly a person thinks about you.
- The soft eyes.
Or more popularly, the doe eyes.
Eyes are soft, a bit droopy and shiny.
When someone, gives you this look, they are attracted to you and are trying their best for you to notice them back.
- Prolonged eye contact.
Intellectual people love to make eye contact during a conversation.
A prolonged eye contact may be a sign of being interested of what you're talking about, or if they are increasingly getting intrigued.
Also, they may be trying to find out if you're interested too.
- The glance.
A hint of insecurity and worry that you may not like them.
The glance often shows that they have an immense need to be admired and wanted.
- Fleeting look.
The breaking eye contact.
They may look at you for a while and then look away and then look right back.
This is a signal that they are threatened or intensely shy.
- Intense gaze.
Totally smitten by you, no doubt.
A naked eye contact means that they are very interested and attracted to you and wants you to know about it.
To find more on other body language eye contact, visit my website and get a more detailed and thorough reports on my tactics and techniques on dating, flirting and seduction, plus, other tips and how-to's on love, life and romance.
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