How to Handle a Rough Nursing Shift
There could have been different careers to choose from but you chose to be a nurse.
Sometimes, during the times of this rough nursing shift, you question your sanity in enrolling and going to a nursing school.
However, these are just temporary bouts of what ifs and what could have been.
If a nurse would feel a bit tired and would rather change her nursing career, then here are some ways on how to handle a rough nursing shift.
Find the Humor in the Situation The saying "laughter is the best medicine" does not only apply to patients.
It can also be appropriate for nurses who may be suffering from a very lousy day.
Seeing something funny about a hard situation can help lighten the mood.
It is not always have to be a serious situation.
Instead, one can find laughter in a situation that may be difficult.
Share with a Colleague Having a friend or someone to share your day can be beneficial for you.
It can help you vent and release some of the bad feelings you might be harboring inside.
If you are not yet ready to laugh it off, then talking can help too.
Getting it out of your chest can make your load lighter and you might find yourself freer after having a good talk.
Reflect and Review When there is reflection involve, it does not mean self-bashing.
Reflection would mean thinking of the events that happened and how you can handle the same situation in the future.
It is more about learning from your mistakes and then moving on.
Dwelling on it is counter-productive.
What is best is to make sure that a lesson is learned from errors.
Having a bad day is not always easy.
There are times when you think that you just want to give up throw in the towel.
However, this is just a fleeting feeling.
One should not feel defeated because of this.
The best thing to do is to fight back because you know that there are people who can help and there are ways to handle these rough days.
No one really said that nursing is easy.
In fact, it is one of the hardest professions; but if one will think positively then a rough nursing shift would be an obstacle that can be easily conquered.