No Time For Whining
Our country has just inaugurated a president who believes the ability of a woman to kill her offspring is more important than the child's right to live.
This president also believes that a small group of people with a deviant lifestyle should be able to redefine the marriage relationship, if not the 'official' definition, created by God.
He also thinks he is making us safer by closing a prison designed to keep those who want to destroy us and our families from doing so.
I could go on...
but you get the point.
Things look pretty bad.
The Bible tells us we are to pray for those in authority...
and we should.
We should pray that they govern with the fear of God in their hearts.
This, we know, is the beginning of wisdom.
We are also told to submit to ruling authorities and as much as possible live at peace with everyone.
We are particularly blessed to live in a country where, at least for the time being, we can speak up about wrongs and injustices.
This opportunity carries with it, the responsibility to do so.
Sometimes we have to do more.
We would do well to look into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor, who saw such evil in Nazi Germany that he had to resist...
he had to set aside blind obedience to do what was right.
He helped Jews escape.
He spoke the word of truth about Hitler's government.
Was there a price to following his conscience? He was hanged shortly before the end war.
Will we have to pay a price for standing up for what is right? Maybe, but the alternative is to stand by and let the land our children and grand children will grow up in turn into a godless perversion of Ronald Reagan's Shining City on a Hill.
Fortunately, the price for most of us, is setting aside time to get involved in issues and politics.
Yes, it is that important! If you are convinced that all politicians are crooks, then get involved and change that.
If there is an issue you feel strongly about, speak up, find others who think the same way and work together.
DON'T JUST SIT AND DO NOTHING! Your grand children will thank you...
so will others who were simply given the chance to live and play in the summer sun.
This president also believes that a small group of people with a deviant lifestyle should be able to redefine the marriage relationship, if not the 'official' definition, created by God.
He also thinks he is making us safer by closing a prison designed to keep those who want to destroy us and our families from doing so.
I could go on...
but you get the point.
Things look pretty bad.
The Bible tells us we are to pray for those in authority...
and we should.
We should pray that they govern with the fear of God in their hearts.
This, we know, is the beginning of wisdom.
We are also told to submit to ruling authorities and as much as possible live at peace with everyone.
We are particularly blessed to live in a country where, at least for the time being, we can speak up about wrongs and injustices.
This opportunity carries with it, the responsibility to do so.
Sometimes we have to do more.
We would do well to look into the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor, who saw such evil in Nazi Germany that he had to resist...
he had to set aside blind obedience to do what was right.
He helped Jews escape.
He spoke the word of truth about Hitler's government.
Was there a price to following his conscience? He was hanged shortly before the end war.
Will we have to pay a price for standing up for what is right? Maybe, but the alternative is to stand by and let the land our children and grand children will grow up in turn into a godless perversion of Ronald Reagan's Shining City on a Hill.
Fortunately, the price for most of us, is setting aside time to get involved in issues and politics.
Yes, it is that important! If you are convinced that all politicians are crooks, then get involved and change that.
If there is an issue you feel strongly about, speak up, find others who think the same way and work together.
DON'T JUST SIT AND DO NOTHING! Your grand children will thank you...
so will others who were simply given the chance to live and play in the summer sun.