High Rise Building And Floors
Here are some pros and cons of:
Choosing the top floors:
In high rise building the higher floor one chooses, the more expensive the flat becomes this is due to floor-rise charges that are applied by some builders. People living on top floors get access to better ventilation. People choose to live on huger floors to get a sense of security and a better view. They also get higher appreciation of properties in Navi Mumbai real estate.
But higher floors also mean more power consumption as builds need to power lifts, water pipes. Electricity bill is also high because the upper floors are much hotter. People before investing in a high rise one should check about evacuation plans in case of an emergency and whether proofing of the building. One should also check if the door and window frames can adjust to extreme weather conditions.
Choosing the middle floors
Middle floor enjoys the benefits and disadvantages of both. There is a little effect of harsh weathers of middle floors also loading and unloading of goods is fairly easy. But noise can be a problem in middle floors. Otherwise middle floors enjoy good ventilation and security as compared to lower floors.
Choosing lower floors
Most of the times ground floors don't get enough light and ventilation. Also these flats are more prone to insects and mosquito intrusions. Dampness on walls and latent heat is also experienced by people living on ground floor. Security too can be easily compromised as compared to the upper floors.
But living on ground floor in Navi Mumbai property also has certain benefits as throughout the year found floor remains cooler, loading and unloading is also not a headache. Living on ground floor can be a boon for old people if there is no lift in the building, they can freely move around in the locality.