Ways to Say I Love You - Without Being Boring
Before you can get out of that rut and liven up your love life it's important to see if you are, in fact, being "boring.
"After you answer the following questions for yourself we will go through each one step by step.
There is hope for you after all! 1.
You only say I Love You in response to the other person 2.
Your Valentine's Day Gift to your love was flowers and chocolates 3.
You've been together for years 4.
You have children OK, so which ones did you see yourself in? If you are one who only says "I Love You" when the other person does, that is simply boring.
Not only that but it's likely to make the other person feel a little bummed out that you aren't taking more initiative.
Even if YOU know that you love the other person that doesn't mean they don't need a constant reminder.
To fix this, it's important to say I love you each day.
Say it with the conviction you feel in your heart.
That way there is no question of your true feelings! As for the second question, if you only gave your love a box of chocolates and flowers then that is boring.
Even if you had the best of intentions you have to admit that that game is played out.
This doesn't mean that you need to spend a lot of money it just means you need to do a bit more.
Think about the other person's desires and wishes!Give them a gift that matches their personality.
The third question stumps a lot of people.
It's not hard to answer, but it is hard to remedy.
You'll have to find new ways to say I love you if you want to make sure that the spark of love stays alive.
It's important to find great ways to do that! The fourth question can almost be lumped with the third.
If you have children it's likely that you're focused on them instead of on your partner.
You think you're doing what is best for them by concentrating on them alone.
This is partially faulty thinking because they rely on you for inspiration and enjoy having their parents in love.
Even if they won't admit it!You need to find new ways to say I love you to keep the relationship going.
So?What are you going to do?Are you going to let your love sit in the background, continuing on in a downward spiral?