How to Register to Vote in Illinois
Things You'll Need
1Meet the criteria to register. You must be 18 by Election Day, be a U.S. citizen, a resident of Illinois and live in your voting precinct for 30 days prior to Election Day. You cannot be a convicted felon serving time or on parole. You also cannot have been judged mentally incompetent.
Access the online application or pick one up at various public offices or government agencies across the state. You will also be given an opportunity to register when you request public assistance.
Complete the form online before you print or print the form first, and then fill it out. Be sure to use black ink and print clearly.
Provide identification such as a valid Illinois driver's license number, Illinois State ID card, or even your Social Security number's last four digits. There is a box on the form you can check if you don't have any of these forms of ID.
Sign the form. The application to register to vote is not considered complete without a valid signature.
Mail the completed, signed form in an envelope using a first class stamp to your Elections Office. You can find the address on the application, online at the website given below or call the State Board of Elections.
Register at least 28 days prior to the election for which you want to vote.
Receive a notice in the mail once your application is accepted and you are qualified as a voter.
Call the State Board of Elections if you have any questions or if you have not received a notice within two weeks.