Just What Is Blogging?
What you may not realize is that over the last several years, you have been subjected to a new kind of barrage: the B word barrage.
The B word barrage originates from that part of the universe known as the blogosphere and carpet bombs earth at the rate of a few million hits a day.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you are aware of this barrage, but you have become so used to it you hardly notice it any more, unless you live in the world of the internet.
Technorati, an internet search engine that has searched for and indexed blogs since 2002, had indexed more than 133 million of them as of December 2009.
That tell you something? Even allowing for bloggers with multiple blogs, dozens of millions of earthlings are expending (most probably a considerable amount of) time, (almost surely a great deal of) energy and (very likely quite a bit of) money on publishing blog posts and maintaining them: that means constantly pumping in new text, audio, video and graphic content.
Every day.
And they are doing so because hundreds of millions of earthlings are poring over those posts, absorbing the messages being conveyed in all that text, audio, video and graphic content.
Every day.
So how do we explain this madness? What exactly is a blog, what is blogging all about? I define blogging thus: It is an avenue for expressing yourself in any manner you choose on any subject you feel like ranting on, through a variety of media (text, audio, video, graphics), utilizing a technically user-friendly medium that is easy to set up and has the potential to reach out to every single intelligent being on this planet or any other planet with intelligent beings.
Blogging also allows you to get feedback from your readers, viewers and listeners and do what you want with it: ignore it, delete it or stoke it and set off a frenzy of two-sided or potentially unlimited multi-sided communication.
And there is an added attraction: you can make money if you are a blogger.
Quite a bit of money, if you are one with a pronounced barrage strike rate.
My definition may or may not strike a chord in you.
As someone recently stricken with the blogging virus, I am admittedly biased.
Thus, my definition is not the be all or the end all of anything.
You can go over some more formal definitions of what exactly is a blog, what is blogging and what bloggers are all about here: http://theblogginguniverse.