Discover How to Switch From a Comfort Eater to a Healthy Eater
You can move from being a comfort eater to being someone who eats a healthy diet with ease.
The problem many people face when they eat for comfort is that they are using the food to push down uncomfortable feelings.
This works temporarily but that feeling will spring up again making it necessary for the comfort eater to overeat again.
The challenge most comfort eaters face is that they are scared of facing the uncomfortable feelings, it actually feels safer to eat than to let the uncomfortable thought fully develop in their head.
What you will actually find however is that most uncomfortable feelings break apart and lose their power when you simply allow them to play through in your head.
For instance, you might fear that your boss is going to give you too much work and overwhelm you so in order to avoid this uncomfortable thought you eat and the foods you choose are quick carbs such as a baked good or refined carbohydrate.
An option is to ask yourself if you absolutely know that it is true that your boss is going to give you too much work.
The reality is that at this moment you really don't know what your boss will do and you are creating the whole scary scenario.
This understanding can calm you down and allow you to consider what you might do if your boss does give you extra work and how you might handle the situation in a better way.
With practice you will find it easy to defuse your need for comfort eating by allowing the uncomfortable thought to play out.
When you do this you will find that you are finally free to move into a healthier eating pattern and easily avoid comfort foods.
The problem many people face when they eat for comfort is that they are using the food to push down uncomfortable feelings.
This works temporarily but that feeling will spring up again making it necessary for the comfort eater to overeat again.
The challenge most comfort eaters face is that they are scared of facing the uncomfortable feelings, it actually feels safer to eat than to let the uncomfortable thought fully develop in their head.
What you will actually find however is that most uncomfortable feelings break apart and lose their power when you simply allow them to play through in your head.
For instance, you might fear that your boss is going to give you too much work and overwhelm you so in order to avoid this uncomfortable thought you eat and the foods you choose are quick carbs such as a baked good or refined carbohydrate.
An option is to ask yourself if you absolutely know that it is true that your boss is going to give you too much work.
The reality is that at this moment you really don't know what your boss will do and you are creating the whole scary scenario.
This understanding can calm you down and allow you to consider what you might do if your boss does give you extra work and how you might handle the situation in a better way.
With practice you will find it easy to defuse your need for comfort eating by allowing the uncomfortable thought to play out.
When you do this you will find that you are finally free to move into a healthier eating pattern and easily avoid comfort foods.