Swinging Etiquette for Parties and Clubs
Treat with dignity and respect everyone you make contact with, the way you would like them to respect you.
Courtesy Works: Every swinger has its own set of logics for being on the swinging scene.
So, be polite, open and friendly when having a conversation with them.
Gently turn someone down if you have to, because there will be occasions when you will be turned down.
Make no enemies: Politeness remains the key factor in swinging.
You have to be polite and courteous all the time even if you are not interested playing with someone.
You may have a number of other interests common or you may meet the other couple/person somewhere again who may introduce you to a swinger whom you think you are compatible with and want to spend time with.
Be responsive: Hosts of any party must have spent much of their time while making the party's arrangements.
If the host has invited you, responding to such an invitation would be common decency, it's better to respond in negative than not responding at all and whatever be your response, it should not be left for the day of the party.
Be generous: If you are invited to attend some private party, it would be a good idea if you take something along.
It may be a bottle of the drink that both you and your partner like drinking.
Be Prepared: One shouldn't expect the party hosts to have catered for everything one might require at the party as there could be minimum of 40 other people attending the party making it difficult for any host to cater for everyone's needs.
So, the catch word here is "go prepared" Take along whatever might be required by you.
Personal hygiene: A stale breadth or an unclean body would turn off other person before you could even sense it.
So, it would be a good idea if you again fresh up after arriving at the party RV.
Have respect for other's feelings: You must realize that everyone at the party might not be feeling comfortable and relaxed, so you must look out for any signs that your partner and the others as well, are all relaxed and feeling at home.
Avoid being pushy: Please remember that everyone has the born right to decline and say no.
You must, therefore, be mentally ready to listen to this sweet little word off and on as well.
If you get interested playing with someone, convey them in a friendly manner; they will positively respond if they are also interested.
However, you shouldn't try asking them WHY if they decline.
Keep it Fun: Do not create an embarrassing situation for yourself as well as for others by sexually involving yourself with someone you are not interested swinging.
Fun is for what you are at the party; so keep it that way.
How to say "NO": Even if you have to say NO to someone, it can be done in a polite manner simply saying "No, thank you".
But, don't try to explain your "No" as that might lead to an untoward scene for everyone.
Drugs and alcohol: Don't over indulge yourself in the use of drugs or alcohol at the party as it would just turn off other people.
However, having few drinks are OK to keep you "relax" especially if you are a beginner.
Safe Sex: Though the risks are negligible, but it's still a better idea to rubber up yourself before going for sex with your swinging partner.
Use of condoms is not likely to offend anyone as well keeping in view everyone's concern over STD (sexually transmitted diseases).
After the party: It comes in good manners if you thank the host either by calling or writing to them after the party is over.
This will surely fetch you benefits.