How to Identify Kidney Stone Symptoms
Identifying kidney stone symptoms can be tricky and diagnosed incorrectly, so it's important to understand what renal stones are made of. The stones may be defined as the small deposits that are stone-like in nature that are formed mainly within the human kidney as a result of the crystallization of minerals inside the kidney. This affects the normal functioning of this very important organ and is why it is important to know the kidney stone symptoms. There are a number of renal stone symptoms that you may want to look out for which range from the presence of excruciating pain within the abdomen to nausea, vomiting and infection of the urinary tract.
Positively identifying the kidney stone symptoms
Naturally, if you experience a kidney stone symptom that point to this condition you will want to be seek clarification as soon as possible so that you clear your doubts and go on with your life. The question then is how to identify kidney stone symptoms. Indeed there are numerous signs as well as symptoms that distinguish kidney stones from the other ailments that share in some of the symptoms. It is advisable to know what these signs are so that you do not end up spending so much money conducting tests only for you to find that the symptoms you have are for another less serious ailment. Thus, in order to identify whether you have the symptoms or not you need to first revisit your family's medical history because despite the listed causes of this condition, kidney stones are said to be hereditary according to research. As such, if a member of your family has had this condition then it may be passed on to you.
Secondly, although studies have shown that men are more it men likely to suffer from these stones than women, there are many other kidney stone symptoms that men are likely to suffer from. This however, is not to say that women are entirely safe as they also are at risk of getting this condition. Thirdly, people who have the capability of controlling the urge to empty their bladder by holding back the urine for a long time or have been doing this for sometime may be suffering from this ailment as well.
Sharp pain in the lower back is one of many kidney stone symptoms
Another factor that you need to consider when identifying the kidney stone symptoms is whether you have experienced sharp pain in the area of the pelvic or lower back especially if this is intermittent or continuous. You may also experience a feverish feeling that is not necessarily accompanied by fever but sharp pain in the lower back area or the pelvic region. There may also be pain within the muscles as well as the joints causing the problem to shift to the side leaving you with a feeling of lifelessness. The colour of urine will also be unusually dark and in some cases it could have traces of blood. Besides, there will also be pain during the passing of the urine. These are signs that must not go unreported to your doctor for long as they are an indicator of more serious kidney stone symptoms.
Experiencing pain in the lower region of the abdomen is said to be a sign of a kidney stone symptom. This is usually considered to be the worst of all the symptoms, as it might be at an advanced stage that must be attended to immediately. All in all, you must be careful so that you do not detect these symptoms when it is too late, at the onset of either of the signs and symptoms, as it is necessary that you consult you doctor to be completely sure that you are aware of the changes that are taking place in your body. You may also want to consider a change in lifestyle to help reverse these symptoms and the pain of your kidney problems.
What to do if you identify kidney stone symptoms
The first step that needs to be taken when you identify kidney stone symptoms is to seek professional medical help from a doctor. The doctor can make a proper examination to determine if you are showing these symptoms and prescribe the proper treatment process.