Reasons For Tooth Discolouration
Having to live with horrible discoloured teeth can lower ones self-esteem, with our hectic life-styles however, some pleasures in life does'nt help in the way that certain foods and drinks can cause stain build-up and lead to discoloured teeth, the main culprits being tea, coffee, red wine, darkly coloured foods as well as smoking. Foods, drinks and tobacco smoking are the most common causes of tooth discolouration, but there are many other causes:
Although the top causes of tooth discolouration is down to the consumption of dark foods, drinks and smoking there are other reasons such as: POOR ORAL HYGIENE - Its vital that you adapt a good brushing and flossing technique, because failure to remove plaque and food build-up will only make way for stains to start building up.
MEDICATON - Bacterial infections needs to be treated with antibiotics and the use of Doxycycline and Tetracyline can be used. They are among the safe category of antibiotics that are given to pregnant women, however one of the known side-effects is the unborn child can end up with staining/discoloured teeth. Also when young children are given the antibiotic it can stain their teeth, not just a surface stain but the staining goes deep into the teeth. And to think that it could'nt get any worse there are some infections that pregnant women contract that causes tooth discloouration and this cannot be prevented.
AGE - As the years go by the daily activities of us chewing and grinding our foods will soon start to wear the tooth surface down this is unavoidable, the enamel might thin and show the dentine this is a yellowish colour, or tiny defects might form and allow food to collect giving way to stain build up.
Calcium Metabolism Disorder
Calcium metabolism disorder is the abnormality of calcium levels in our body. Low levels found in the blood can be caused by condition like Hypocalceamia. On the other hand a high intake of calcium either through the use of supplements, and/or vitamin D or drinking milk exessively can lead to Milk Alkali Syndrome.
Medical Treatments
Radiation treatments such as chemotherapy and head and neck radiation treatments can weaken the enamel making it brittle this will only make it easier for dark food and drink and other staining substances to penetrate the teeth and cause staining.
Unfortunately for some of us hereditary places an important part in the colour of our teeth and no matter how much you avoided that cup of coffee or glass of wine, well you might go as far not eating any dark foods or drink it will make no differences to your tooth colour, however laser teeth whitening could improvement your tooth colour by a few shades.
FLUORIDE - Is important to maintaining our tooths structure, however if we have consume more than required this can leave your teeth with an unsightly mottled appearance, and sometimes we have no control over this as flouride is present in our local water supply.
AMALGAM FILLINGS - Sometimes its necessary for us to need a filling and because not all of us can afford the white ones we must accept amalgam fillings which is a dark grey powdered alloy and mercury mixture, and can sometime rub off on to nearby teeth leaving stains known as amalgam tattoo.
Although the top causes of tooth discolouration is down to the consumption of dark foods, drinks and smoking there are other reasons such as: POOR ORAL HYGIENE - Its vital that you adapt a good brushing and flossing technique, because failure to remove plaque and food build-up will only make way for stains to start building up.
MEDICATON - Bacterial infections needs to be treated with antibiotics and the use of Doxycycline and Tetracyline can be used. They are among the safe category of antibiotics that are given to pregnant women, however one of the known side-effects is the unborn child can end up with staining/discoloured teeth. Also when young children are given the antibiotic it can stain their teeth, not just a surface stain but the staining goes deep into the teeth. And to think that it could'nt get any worse there are some infections that pregnant women contract that causes tooth discloouration and this cannot be prevented.
AGE - As the years go by the daily activities of us chewing and grinding our foods will soon start to wear the tooth surface down this is unavoidable, the enamel might thin and show the dentine this is a yellowish colour, or tiny defects might form and allow food to collect giving way to stain build up.
Calcium Metabolism Disorder
Calcium metabolism disorder is the abnormality of calcium levels in our body. Low levels found in the blood can be caused by condition like Hypocalceamia. On the other hand a high intake of calcium either through the use of supplements, and/or vitamin D or drinking milk exessively can lead to Milk Alkali Syndrome.
Medical Treatments
Radiation treatments such as chemotherapy and head and neck radiation treatments can weaken the enamel making it brittle this will only make it easier for dark food and drink and other staining substances to penetrate the teeth and cause staining.
Unfortunately for some of us hereditary places an important part in the colour of our teeth and no matter how much you avoided that cup of coffee or glass of wine, well you might go as far not eating any dark foods or drink it will make no differences to your tooth colour, however laser teeth whitening could improvement your tooth colour by a few shades.
FLUORIDE - Is important to maintaining our tooths structure, however if we have consume more than required this can leave your teeth with an unsightly mottled appearance, and sometimes we have no control over this as flouride is present in our local water supply.
AMALGAM FILLINGS - Sometimes its necessary for us to need a filling and because not all of us can afford the white ones we must accept amalgam fillings which is a dark grey powdered alloy and mercury mixture, and can sometime rub off on to nearby teeth leaving stains known as amalgam tattoo.