The Best Way to Generate Traffic With a Press Release
In particular, you will need to generate newsworthy content on a regular basis.
Depending on your business type, it may not always be easy to create this type of content.
Nevertheless, if you think creatively, you should be able to write at least one PR a month.
As may be expected, you can also create a few variations to help you maximize distribution potential during this time period.
Consider a situation where you have a brand new product to launch.
As you may be aware, showing people the benefits of buying a product is one of the most powerful ways to boost sales.
Since this is your ultimate goal, you will also want to gear your press release in this direction.
If you have a product that can be used to create something else, you can always sponsor a contest that features the usage of your new product, or a similar product that is already in use.
If you allow enough time for contest submissions, you can also stagger the publication of your press release's.
For example, you may want to see if you can get published in specific geographic regions.
This may make it a good bit easier for you to make use of press release software.
When you are focusing on smaller regions, you can also start trying to find local newspapers to carry your press release.
As you may be aware, search engine spiders are constantly crawling the web.
They may also keep track of any new backlinks that are generated for you site.
If you suddenly have links to hundreds of press releases, your search engine ranking may drop when the volume of new backlinks added does not remain constant.
That said, if you publish your press release in just a few places at a time, it will appear more consistent.
When you want to boost web traffic with a press release, you must think about the attractiveness of the story, as well as how you plan to release it.
Interestingly enough, if you work with small numbers of publications first, it will give the search engines a chance to count progress in backlink building.
It may also help you create viral campaigns as the general public takes notice of increased media exposure of your story.