Who Else Wants a Free Background Report With Your Reverse Cell Phone Lookup? It"s Completely Free!
This makes tracing a mobile phone number pretty difficult.
Why isn't there a national or regional wireless telephone directory? Cellular numbers are treated as highly personal information unlike in the case of land phones which have belonged to the public domain for decades.
Because cellular phones are considered 'private', they're not published on phone books.
The good news is that..
Numerous companies collect mobile numbers from various sources to build their own private databases and you and I can piggy back on these third party companies to trace a given mobile number.
The bad news is that..
They are not perfect because they don't have 100% of the cell numbers in the USA.
The top guys have as much as 90-95% of the numbers, so you have a pretty decent chance of getting accurate results.
Which reverse phone service should I choose? Any database that's accurate and updates frequently is good.
Some of the so called 'good' databases are hardly ever updated and therefore very inaccurate.
So it's not a surprise that such databases will give you the previous owner's details instead of the current owner's name and address.
This is why it's important you look at reviews before you stick to a particular service.
How about a Free Background Report? You must try to get the best value for your Money.
99% of the services only give you the Name and Address.
I've seen this one site that gives a Free Background Report.