Why Expenditure on Landscaping Projects Can"t Be Termed As Wasteful
There are some of us who think that expenditure on landscaping projects is wasteful.
The landscaping projects we are talking about here are those which revolve around the beautification of the surroundings to our homes and business premises.
But for the purposes of this discussion, we will be concentrating on landscaping projects in the business and organizational settings, rather than landscaping projects in the domestic settings (where the dynamics are quite different).
We will be keen on finding out why expenditure on such (business and organizational premises) landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful, contrary to what some of us think, as mentioned earlier.
Examples of such beautification projects would include lawn development and lawn maintenance projects, tree planting projects and the whole range of other projects concerned with making the compounds within which businesses and non business organizations operate more aesthetically appealing.
The main reason as to why such landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful would be clear when it emerges that such landscaping, when properly done, has the potential to make the organization or business more effective at is objectives.
The objectives of a business entity, of course, center around the profit motive: it is how profitable a business organization turns out to be that would be the best measure of how effective (or ineffective) it is proving to be.
Non business organizations will tend to have different objectives, depending on the nature of their operations.
Some NGOs, for instance, will have the objective of 'making a difference' in their different areas of operation.
Indeed, that objective of 'making a difference' seems to permeate across virtually all non-business organizations.
We can quite comfortably say that all business organizations aim to make a profit for their owners, whereas all non business organizations aim to 'make a difference' in their respective areas.
So, how would landscaping projects help a business become more profitable, you ask.
Well, you come to realize that a business organization that undertakes successful landscaping would tend to make its premises look 'classy.
' And to the extent that the people (especially clients and suppliers) visiting it can get to perceive it as 'classy,' they would be more inclined to make more decent offers to it.
If it is an order they are trying to make, for instance, they will be 'embarrassed' to make a very low price offer to such a 'classy' organization, for fear of having their offer being rejected, because a classy business is perceived as not being desperate.
In much the same way, to the extent that the organization can come across as 'classy' to potential employees considering working for it (thanks to effective landscaping and other such measures), more and more talented people would be inclined to take positions with it - increasing its effectiveness.
It feels much better, for most of us, to work in a lush, well kept environment, than having to work in a 'jungle.
' The same dynamics would apply to a non business organization, which when well landscaped, would tend to have the effect of making stakeholders (say supporting donors) visiting it get the impression that it is a well managed organization, and therefore feel more inclined to open their purse strings to it.
In the final analysis then, expenditure on landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful, especially where the landscaping projects are properly undertaken.
The landscaping projects we are talking about here are those which revolve around the beautification of the surroundings to our homes and business premises.
But for the purposes of this discussion, we will be concentrating on landscaping projects in the business and organizational settings, rather than landscaping projects in the domestic settings (where the dynamics are quite different).
We will be keen on finding out why expenditure on such (business and organizational premises) landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful, contrary to what some of us think, as mentioned earlier.
Examples of such beautification projects would include lawn development and lawn maintenance projects, tree planting projects and the whole range of other projects concerned with making the compounds within which businesses and non business organizations operate more aesthetically appealing.
The main reason as to why such landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful would be clear when it emerges that such landscaping, when properly done, has the potential to make the organization or business more effective at is objectives.
The objectives of a business entity, of course, center around the profit motive: it is how profitable a business organization turns out to be that would be the best measure of how effective (or ineffective) it is proving to be.
Non business organizations will tend to have different objectives, depending on the nature of their operations.
Some NGOs, for instance, will have the objective of 'making a difference' in their different areas of operation.
Indeed, that objective of 'making a difference' seems to permeate across virtually all non-business organizations.
We can quite comfortably say that all business organizations aim to make a profit for their owners, whereas all non business organizations aim to 'make a difference' in their respective areas.
So, how would landscaping projects help a business become more profitable, you ask.
Well, you come to realize that a business organization that undertakes successful landscaping would tend to make its premises look 'classy.
' And to the extent that the people (especially clients and suppliers) visiting it can get to perceive it as 'classy,' they would be more inclined to make more decent offers to it.
If it is an order they are trying to make, for instance, they will be 'embarrassed' to make a very low price offer to such a 'classy' organization, for fear of having their offer being rejected, because a classy business is perceived as not being desperate.
In much the same way, to the extent that the organization can come across as 'classy' to potential employees considering working for it (thanks to effective landscaping and other such measures), more and more talented people would be inclined to take positions with it - increasing its effectiveness.
It feels much better, for most of us, to work in a lush, well kept environment, than having to work in a 'jungle.
' The same dynamics would apply to a non business organization, which when well landscaped, would tend to have the effect of making stakeholders (say supporting donors) visiting it get the impression that it is a well managed organization, and therefore feel more inclined to open their purse strings to it.
In the final analysis then, expenditure on landscaping projects can't be termed as wasteful, especially where the landscaping projects are properly undertaken.