How to Become an Administrator in Texas Schools
- 1). Obtain or hold a valid classroom teaching certificate. Gain or possess two years of creditable teaching experience in the classroom. You must have the required amount of classroom teaching experience to qualify for certification as a principal or assistant principal.
- 2). Obtain a master's degree. The degree must be earned within an approved principal educator program from an accredited institution of higher education. Request approval from your Educator Preparation Program to take the certification test.
- 3). Visit the website for the Educational Testing Service, and register for the appropriate certification exam. Pay the required fees and wait for your admission ticket to the testing center to arrive in the mail.
- 4). Take and successfully pass the principal certification test on the date listed on your admission ticket. Apply for certification as a principal through the Texas Education Agency. Use your online account located on the State Board of Educator Certification to apply. Wait for a letter approving your certification.
- 5). Apply for open positions in Texas. You may have to take a job as an assistant or vice-principal at first to gain experience before a school district will offer you a position as a principal.
- 1). Meet all the requirements of a principal. You must have served as a certified classroom teacher for at least two years, hold at least a master's degree and have a principal certificate issued by Texas or another state or country.
- 2). Enroll in and successfully complete an approved educator preparation program designated for those who wish to become superintendents. Request permission to be recommended for certification by the EPP. Register for the appropriate certification test and receive your admission ticket to the testing center.
- 3). Take and receive a passing score on the required certification exam. Apply for certification, using your online educator account on the State Board of Educator Certification website. Wait for a letter of certification approval.
- 4). Apply for open positions in Texas. You may have to serve as a deputy or assistant superintendent before successfully acquiring a position as a superintendent.
- 1). Ask your local school district for a list of requirements for open administrative positions that don't require certification mandated by TEA. For instance, if the position is for Human Resources Director, a master's degree in Human Resources may suffice.
- 2). Apply for open administrative positions for which you qualify. Attend interviews.
- 3). Accept a position as a Texas school administrator.