5 Etiquette Tips for Humans with Cats
Now that there are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, they can officially lay claim to being the most popular pet. This has been under dispute for quite some time with dog lovers, but even many of them have a cat or two as well.
Cats are cuddly, (mostly) self-sufficient, and playful when they are young. They can keep you warm on cold nights – if they're in the mood – and they create fabulous photo ops for holiday pictures as they curl up in front of a fireplace.
Since cats seem to have more of a mind of their own than their canine counterparts, it is typically more difficult to train them. This is why their humans need to take the reins and make sure they are responsible, well-mannered owners (or parents if you prefer to be called that) of fabulous felines.
Here are some etiquette tips to follow if you own a cat:
- Keep your cat indoors. Not only is this a safety issue for your cat, it will help prevent your neighbors from getting upset after your cat mistakes their flowerbeds for a litter pan.
- Tell guests you have a cat if you think they might be allergic. Quite a few people have allergies to cats, so you should always let your friends know that you have them before they visit you in your home. Sometimes putting the cat in another room will help, but if the allergy is severe, simply walking into a house where a cat has been can be problematic. The allergy can be to dander, saliva, or urine. Most people who have cat allergies don't know which one of these issues they have, so they should try to avoid all of them.
- Clean up after the kitty. Keep the litter pan clean. Not only will your house smell better, your cat is more likely to use the pan rather than the spot beside it. Litter pans are also a breeding ground for bacteria, so it's not only an etiquette issue, it's a sanitary one. Clean up the cat hair. Before you have guests over, or even for your family's sake, use a lint roller or the furniture tool on your vacuum cleaner to get rid of the cat hair that sticks to the seat of anyone who sits on it. I've known cat owners who won't wear black if they have a white or gray cat because they don't want the hair to show.
- Keep cats off the kitchen counter and dining table. Since some cats can jump up to six times their height, they are physically able to go almost anywhere they want to. You might think it's cute to see a cat taking a drink of water at the kitchen sink, but think about where their feet have been. Do you want to eat food that has been prepared on the same counter where the cat's litter-crusted toes have walked? Ew! If your cat has established the habit of jumping onto the countertops, you'll have to spend some time breaking it. Some of the methods people have used include shaking a can with a couple of pennies, shouting "No!" and squirting water on the cat when he disobeys. Chances are, they'll get the message and eventually stay off the counter… but only when you're looking. The same goes for the dining table.
- Understand that not everyone loves cats. When you have guests, observe their reactions to your favorite pet. If they cringe as Fluffy rubs against their legs, take that as a clue that they're not fans. Don't try to force a relationship if you ever want to see this friend again. Calmly pick up your cat, rub her favorite purr-worthy spot (after all, it's not her fault she's not loved by all), and put her in another room until your friend leaves. If the guest is staying overnight, provide a feline-free room unless your friend invites the cat in.