3 Healthy Distractions From Break-up Pain
1) GIRLS' NIGHT OUT! Yeah, party! Ok, so that's a little more enthusiastic than you'll be feeling up to, but joking aside it's a great way to help get over your pain. Go out with a bunch of your friends and just have a good time in spite of yourself! It'll be hard at first, but once you start cranking it out on the dance floor with your buddies you'll quickly start to feel better.
2) Go on a shopping spree! Looking good is always beneficial to how you feel about yourself, and if you're styling it up with all the hottest stuff out there you're probably going to get a lot of positive attention as well, which doesn't hurt either. A fresh wardrobe and even a brand new hairdo can do wonders for self-confidence.
3) Go on a healthy diet/exercise program of your own design. Even if you don't need to lose any weight, eating well and exercising regularly is as good for mental and emotional health as it is for physical health. You'd be surprised how much what you eat can affect your mood...do some research into what's healthy and what isn't, and then watch what you eat!
There are so many more healthy ways to pull yourself together and actually continue enjoying life, but these ideas are mostly just to get your brain working the right way. This stuff should work for everyone, but if you start thinking about it I'm sure you'll find a few things to suit your particular interests perfectly! For some specific information on getting your ex back, you can check out the links below for a bunch of free tips and advice on how to do just that. Good luck!