Band of Thunder Bathroom Decor
- Consider a wall mural or a shower curtain. These items look best in a large bathroom with solid-colored walls and very little clutter. Although the colors in the painting are very natural and somewhat subdued, the painting offers up such colors as pink, cream, brown, golden tan and green. Accessorize with small, decorative items in complementary colors.
- If you don't have room for a large "Band of Thunder" piece, many small items are available. Set a toothbrush holder and tumbler on the cabinet. Display towels and wash cloths on your towel bars. Tuck as wastebasket into one corner and place a tissue box cover on the counter. Other products include a bath rug, soap dish, lotion pump, toothbrush holder, shower hooks and even a toilet brush receptacle. Wallpaper border allows you to decorate your walls with Hautman's magnificent horses.
- If you really want to pile on the decor, find ways to use items that are not typically placed in the bathroom. For example, work a "Band of Thunder" director's chair into your bathroom. Hang a framed print on the wall. Store soaps, washcloths and toiletries in a themed, tin box.
- Creative Bath Products, Inc. is the manufacturer of the "Band of Thunder" bath accessories collection. Find these items at bed and bath stores or equestrian-related stores. The Creative Bath Products website does not list the names of retail outlets that sell its products. However, if you contact Creative Bath Products directly, a company representative will help you locate a retailer. Otherwise, find the decor at Amazon, eBay and specialty boutique websites.