What are Moses" 10 Plagues?
Question: What are Moses' 10 Plagues?
Answer: Actually, the 10 Plagues associated with Moses were not created by Moses, but by his God. Moses is connected with the 10 Plagues because they helped Moses get what he wanted from the Egyptian pharaoh: Moses wanted to take the Hebrew people away from their work and out into the desert to worship their God. The 10 plagues were a sign to the Pharaoh that God was upset with him.
There is, however, more to Moses' involvement. When Moses, as per divine instruction, stretched his hands to the heavens, God produced darkness. Moses instructed his brother, who was to serve as his prophet and spokesman, to stretch out his wand in order to bring certain others of the plagues to pass. Moses also instructed Aaron to sprinkle dust, in order to produce the plague of boils. The story of Moses' 10 plagues appears in the Biblical Book of Exodus.
See: List of the 10 Plagues.