Honey Bee QueenCan They Survive Without Her?
If you notice, many people are now hooked on this and it seems that many are still interested to try it. If you will make a research, you can see that there are definitely a lot of benefits that bee keeping can do to people especially to those who have it as their business. You will not only get fun but huge income as well.
However, you must take note that even if it seems like it is easy to do this thing, there are still a lot of details and facts that you must know before you will start it. Starting it would be easier if you are already armed with all the informations which are needed in bee keeping.
If you desire to become a bee keeper then the first thing that you must focus on are the bees since they will be your main characters in your business. You must know how to distinguish the different kinds of bees and you must also know the different types of bees that are living inside a colony.
Bees are amazing because inside a colony, you will see that each of them have assigned tasks to do. The drones are needed to mate with the queen. Without them, the queen will not be able to lay thousands of eggs. The worker bees are truly inspiring because they are the ones that usually do all the works inside the colony. They feed the drones. They protect the queen, and they are also working to get food for everyone. However, inside a colony, there is really this one bee that is considered as significant although this bee has only one task to do the honey bee queen.
There are certainly a lot of things that were written and said about the honey bee queen and these are just proofs that they are truly important. They have this one task and that is to lay eggs but although this is their only task, they are considered as the most important bee inside the colony because without them, a colony will not survive.
There are thousands of bees that are dying each day and the honey bee queen have the power to lay thousand of eggs a day and because of this, a colony will not be vanish since the bees that died are replaced.