How to Breed Shrimp in Your Aquarium
- 1). Assemble the main aquarium. It should be at least 10 gallons, heated to 68 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and filtered with your choice of aquarium filter. These shrimp can be kept with fish.
- 2). Feed the shrimp daily. In a mixed aquarium of shrimp and fish, they might not get their share of the food. Observe them carefully to make sure they are getting enough food. Also, watch for females carrying eggs. The eggs will be green dots carried under the tail.
- 3). Set up your breeding aquarium. It should be the same temperature as the main tank and include gravel from the main tank to seed the gravel with beneficial bacteria. It should be densely planted with aquarium plants. Adjust your sponge filter so that it creates very little water current.
- 4). Put any females with eggs into the breeding tank. Observe it carefully. Once you see that the female has released her eggs, return her to the main tank.
- 5). Feed the young in the breeding tank baby brine shrimp or rotifers. These are available online or can be cultured in your home.