Those Sensitive People and the Moons That Get in Their Way - Number 8
One must truly have an open heart uncluttered from the worries of mechanics and routine.
There are creatures human like and Dallyanne was perhaps mistaken by her Emering friends to be one of those creatures.
Standing at the rim of Dallyanne's pond one would never know of the magic below.
The light, while standing above, appeared to be glistening diamonds only on the surface which were gifts from the sun.
The castles were of a smooth translucent like substance.
The Emerings were soft creatures who knew nothing of sharp edges, thus everything they cared for or encouraged to grow was gentle to the touch.
Veins of thin turquoise, rose and lavender light held the castle structures in place and became luminous to light the Emerings pathway.
Each turret bore a slightly different color.
Columns and banisters of pink and white lotus petals at the entrance bore deep emerald shimmerings of light.
The very same emerald shimmerings that set inside the stephanotis blossoms on Dallyanne's daily crown.
Deep down at the bottom of the pond, the Emerings crafted a tunnel of some 5000 yards.
It was lined with the same substance that constructed the castle.
And the tunnel mysteriously appeared to be headed toward the ocean.
Twas a mystery indeed.
One tunnel to meet the sea.
Dallyanne wrapped her soul around the castle, the Emerings and her life at the pond.
She saw only the best side of things and held the character of the Emerings in the light and saw only purity of kindness.
She never perceived another side or of their full capabilities.
Though their hearts were pure and kind she underestimated their strength and determination.
One must never underestimate determination.
by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen copyright 2009