How to Pick a Niche to Blog On
The niche of your blog is in fact very important, blogging isn't something you'll be making money from quickly, you generally need to have constant updates of blog posts, generally 1 post every 2-3 days is good, I personally post at least once a day, as you may of already seen.
You need to figure out if your going to be able to write about this niche, which brings us on to the next part.
What do you enjoy? What would you enjoy writing about? Just brainstorm a few ideas about blog niches you could go into, then consider the fact you'll need to be writing about the same topic for a few years (If you wish to, which you will if you want to make serious money) - Once you've figured out roughly what niches you'd like to go in, that you can write content for.
Brainstorm some article ideas for this niche - What could you write about? What else could you do? See how easily you come up with ideas, if you generally don't stop, constantly thinking of new post topics, then this niche is probably a good way to go, as you seem to have a lot of ideas for the niche.