Why have elections when the state"s winner will receive all the electoral votes?
Question: Why have elections when the state's winner will receive all the electoral votes?
Electors are allowed to vote for whichever candidate they want. An elector who votes for an opposing presidential candidate is called a 'faithless elector'. The last time an elector changed his vote was in 1988 when a Democratic elector voted for Lloyd Bentsen over Michael Dukakis.
Learn more about the electoral college:
Electors are allowed to vote for whichever candidate they want. An elector who votes for an opposing presidential candidate is called a 'faithless elector'. The last time an elector changed his vote was in 1988 when a Democratic elector voted for Lloyd Bentsen over Michael Dukakis.
Learn more about the electoral college:
- What is the electoral college?
- Why did the Founding Fathers create electors?
- How many total electoral votes are there?
- How many electoral votes does a candidate need to win?
- Which states have the most electoral votes?
- How many electors does each state have?
- What about Washington, D.C. and the electoral vote?
- What happens if there is a tie in the electoral college?
- Who are the electors?
- What procedure is followed for the electors to vote?
- Has someone received a plurality of the vote yet lost in the electoral college?
- Has a tie ever occurred in the electoral college? When?
- Why don't the candidates get a proportion of the electoral vote?
- If the state's winner chooses electors, won't the person with the most votes win?
- When do we finally have an official winner?