How Tantric Sex Assures Healthier Living
It has been found through intensive research that your sexual health is rejuvenated by practicing Tantric Sex and Tantric Yoga. This practice not only increases the strength of the body, spirit and the mind, but also works to multiply and enhance the power of sexual orgasms in a couple's sex life. This in turn increases by stimulating the secretions made by the pituitary and pineal glands.
How Sexual Health is improved:
This practice ensures renewal of sexual health for both men and women. Those orgasms which stimulate the brain waves, if repeated, lead to alterations in the chemistry of the body. It releases you from stress and depression. Women are greatly benefitted from this practice as it eliminates menstrual cramps, headaches, weak immunity, problems related to the urinary tract, incontinence and other such ailments.
What happens is this practice leads to the empowerment of endocrine glands which secretes more of DHEA, Testosterone and hGH serotonin, all triggered by activity in the brain. Improvement in sexual health also includes stimulated circulation of blood, detoxification of the body through the breathing practice, adding to the strength of endocrine/immune, nervous and cardiovascular functions which ultimately gives a longer and healthier life.
Triggering Immune System:
Those orgasms that continue for more than twenty minutes release depression from the body. It improves our physical appearance by eliminating depression. Overall immune system is also improved through this practice as it frees both mind and body.
For men, both quality and quantity increases as the act of sex is prolonged through this practice. Other health and intimacy benefits are also enjoyed in a natural, healthy and safe way.
Among women, overworking and other factors such as less sexual activity with partner can affect the health. This can be overcome when each body part is made to look and feel beautiful, something that is practiced in the Eastern part of the world. However, the practice of Tantra has spread across western cities like Philadelphia, where its importance is recognized.
Tantric Orgasm Advantages:
The advantages associated with Tantra can only be enjoyed when €Shakti€ i.e. energy, which is also called the €rising kundalini€, pierces through each €chakra€ or energy vortex in the subtle body while arising across the spinal cord. This energy has to reach the central nervous system of the brain and the command center of the endocrine to trigger health benefits.
Frequent Orgasm Advantages:
Frequent orgasms result in improved oxytocin levels in the body. This in turn, affects the emotional quotient, passion, personality and social skills which alternately affect marriage, career, social life and emotions. This activity also increases the functionality of the pituitary gland of the brain. Thus, sexual health is affected in a positive way through this practice.
It can be said that the practice of Tantric Sex actually builds a better and healthier life on levels of body, mind and the spirit. Learn the right methods involved in this practice to enjoy the benefits associated with the practice.
How Sexual Health is improved:
This practice ensures renewal of sexual health for both men and women. Those orgasms which stimulate the brain waves, if repeated, lead to alterations in the chemistry of the body. It releases you from stress and depression. Women are greatly benefitted from this practice as it eliminates menstrual cramps, headaches, weak immunity, problems related to the urinary tract, incontinence and other such ailments.
What happens is this practice leads to the empowerment of endocrine glands which secretes more of DHEA, Testosterone and hGH serotonin, all triggered by activity in the brain. Improvement in sexual health also includes stimulated circulation of blood, detoxification of the body through the breathing practice, adding to the strength of endocrine/immune, nervous and cardiovascular functions which ultimately gives a longer and healthier life.
Triggering Immune System:
Those orgasms that continue for more than twenty minutes release depression from the body. It improves our physical appearance by eliminating depression. Overall immune system is also improved through this practice as it frees both mind and body.
For men, both quality and quantity increases as the act of sex is prolonged through this practice. Other health and intimacy benefits are also enjoyed in a natural, healthy and safe way.
Among women, overworking and other factors such as less sexual activity with partner can affect the health. This can be overcome when each body part is made to look and feel beautiful, something that is practiced in the Eastern part of the world. However, the practice of Tantra has spread across western cities like Philadelphia, where its importance is recognized.
Tantric Orgasm Advantages:
The advantages associated with Tantra can only be enjoyed when €Shakti€ i.e. energy, which is also called the €rising kundalini€, pierces through each €chakra€ or energy vortex in the subtle body while arising across the spinal cord. This energy has to reach the central nervous system of the brain and the command center of the endocrine to trigger health benefits.
Frequent Orgasm Advantages:
Frequent orgasms result in improved oxytocin levels in the body. This in turn, affects the emotional quotient, passion, personality and social skills which alternately affect marriage, career, social life and emotions. This activity also increases the functionality of the pituitary gland of the brain. Thus, sexual health is affected in a positive way through this practice.
It can be said that the practice of Tantric Sex actually builds a better and healthier life on levels of body, mind and the spirit. Learn the right methods involved in this practice to enjoy the benefits associated with the practice.