Dark Cloud Gameshark Cheats
- video game control pad image by Paul Hill from Fotolia.com
Released in 2001, Dark Cloud quickly gained in popularity due to its unique combination of genres. The core of the game revolves around standard RPG (role-playing game) hack-and-slash, in which the player-controlled character delves deep into dungeons to gather treasure and defeat monsters. Some of these encounters are mixed with sequenced button combinations as in the game Dance Dance Revolution. The game really shines above ground, however. When out of the dungeons, the player has the ability to built a city. The combination of all these genre elements makes Dark Cloud stand out, but it is also challenging for players who are more experienced with one aspect of the gameplay than the others. To balance gameplay, a GameShark can be used to customize facets of the Dark Cloud world. - Before entering other codes, enter "EC8393F8 1456E79B." This code enables GameShark to alter other aspects of the game.
- Tired of the high cost of restorative items and village services? Enter "4D5C5BB6 1456B00C" for an infinite supply of cash.
- You can also give each of the playable characters infinite health points, essentially making them invincible. The codes are unique to the characters and are listed below.
Toan: 4D5C1682 1456E7DD
Xiao: 4D5C1688 1456E7DD
Goro: 4D5C1686 1456E7DD
Ruby: 4D5C168C 1456E7DD
Ungaga: 4D5C168A 1456E7DD - Unlike most RPGs, the characters of Dark Cloud do not level up. Rather, the emphasis is placed on developing the player's weapons by forging them with stat-increasing items. GameShark can give all your characters' default weapons maxed elemental stats with the codes below.
3D5C5D93 1456E788
1D5C5D98 F5734488
3D5C663B 1456E788
1D5C6640 F5734488
3D5C70E3 1456E788
1D5C70E8 F5734488
3D5C7D8B 1456E788
1D5C7D90 F5734488
3D598633 1456E788
1D598638 F5734488
3D5990DB 1456E788
1D5990E0 F5734488 - To develop your village, you must collect components in the dungeons. GameShark allows you to get all of these parts with the push of a button. After entering the following codes, press the "Up" button on the controller's D (+) pad:
DCB39328 142C0445
1D5C1134 1455E7A5
1D5C1138 1453E7A7
1D5C113C 1459E7A1
1D5C1140 1457E7A3
1D5C1144 144DE79D
1D5C1148 144BE79F
1D5C114C 1451E799
1D5C1150 144FE79B
1D5C1154 1445E7B5
1D5C1158 1443E7B7
1D5C115C 142EE7B1
1D5C1160 142CE7BE
1D5C1164 1432E7C0
1D5C1168 1430E7BA
1D5C116C 1426E7BC
1D5C1170 1424E7D6
1D5C1174 142AE7D8
1D5C1178 1427E7D3