How to Make Your Penis Bigger Naturally
But because there are thousands of options now available exactly for this purpose, it is but proper that you take some precautions in choosing the method that you will use.
Perhaps the safest starting point is for you to learn as much as you can about how to make your penis bigger naturally.
Not only are natural methods safer than most artificial ones, but they are also a lot less expensive to use.
Natural male enhancement methods are available to increase both the length and girth of your penis.
Before we go any further, let us cover some interesting facts first.
The average length of a man's penis is 5.
9 inches, so if your penis is this long or longer then there may not really be a need for you to enlarge it.
But that is, of course, your decision to make.
An increase in penis size can easily be achieved by a majority of men wanting to do so.
Another interesting fact that you may want to take note of is that thousands of men seek psychological help each year just because of the size of their penis.
This makes it even more important for you to deal with the situation before you reach the point of needing psychological help.
Increasing blood flow to the area is the key on how to make your penis bigger naturally.
Exercise is a known way of regulating blood flow in our body, which is why it is also one of the most recommended natural ways to enlarge your penis.
As with normal exercises for your muscles, penile exercise also requires warm-ups and cool-downs.
Perhaps the most popular penile exercise is the jelq.
This is performed by making an okay sign with your thumb and forefinger and then grasping the base of your penis with it.
While keeping a firm grip on your shaft, slide your fingers towards the head and then repeat the motion with your other hand.
Performing this exercise for about 10-15 minutes each day can effectively train your penis to allow more blood to flow into it, thus lengthening it and increasing the girth.
What's more, it can also give you harder erections as a result.
In conjunction with effective penile exercises, you may also benefit from taking herbal male enhancement pills.
The best penis enlargement pills are those that are formulated from potent herbs and plants that have been in use for thousands of years.
Read the label of these pills carefully to make sure that all ingredients are natural.
That is the best way for you to ensure that they are safe and that you will not suffer from any negative side effects.
Now that you know how to make your penis bigger naturally, you can rest assured by the knowledge that there is hope for you to improve your sex life and be more confident in bed.
Not only will the increase in size make you look better, the increased self-worth may help improve your performance in bed as well.