A Proven Step-by-Step Guide on How to Quit Drinking on Your Own
Alcoholism is an extreme dependency on alcohol created through time that has the power to disrupt relationships and cause sickness, thus robbing a person of the joy of living life fully.
Coming to a decision to quit is one of the best things that an alcoholic can come to and acting on it is the best thing that can happen to an alcoholic's life.
The decision may be easy to come by, but acting on it may prove to be harder.
For this reason, a lot of people resort to giving up almost immediately or do the next easiest thing, which is to look for support groups in the form of family and other specialized groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous to help them through this hard time.
However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have a family to run to or the money to avail of professional help.
For these people, the battle against alcoholism must be faced alone and though it may be a harder undertaking, finally winning against it will surely make you a better and stronger person.
If you are this, and you are asking how to quit drinking on your own here are some tips.
• Realize the impact of the decision you are about to make together with the good and the bad that comes along with it.
By visualizing in your mind the task you have at hand and where you want to see yourself after you've completed it, the journey becomes more purposeful and you are able to toughen your resolve.
This is the start of your answers to how to stop drinking.
• Pick out a significant date to quit and commemorate it as a special day in your life.
You are finally taking back control over your life that you have lost to the addiction.
That is already a personal victory that you can claim.
Even if you don't have other people with you, relish the moment that you have decided to make the right choice for yourself.
• The most practical advice on how to quit drinking on your own is to rid your whole life of alcohol.
This includes your home and possibly your environment.
Throw out all remaining bottles and cans as well as everything that will remind you of the good old drinking days.
If drinking has been part of your routine, say after work or before going to bed, make a conscious effort to change that routine.
Find another route home for the time being if the joint you stay in is along the way.
Empty your bar if you have one at home.
• Make quitting more symbolic by buying something to help constantly remind you of the decision you have made to become alcohol free.
Buy a necklace, a ring, or anything that you can see or feel once the urge to drink sinks in.
By holding on to that symbol of change, you remind yourself that alcohol no longer has a power over you.
• Take on a new hobby.
Fill in the gaps in your time left by the disappearance of drinking.
If you used it as a stress reliever, try to get into yoga or practice meditation.
Just make sure that you get into something you love and something you enjoy doing.
These are practical and symbolic ways on how to quit drinking on your own that you can apply.
Remember that as much as other people can help you through the journey, the decision and the will to change ultimately comes from you still.
Coming to a decision to quit is one of the best things that an alcoholic can come to and acting on it is the best thing that can happen to an alcoholic's life.
The decision may be easy to come by, but acting on it may prove to be harder.
For this reason, a lot of people resort to giving up almost immediately or do the next easiest thing, which is to look for support groups in the form of family and other specialized groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous to help them through this hard time.
However, not everyone is fortunate enough to have a family to run to or the money to avail of professional help.
For these people, the battle against alcoholism must be faced alone and though it may be a harder undertaking, finally winning against it will surely make you a better and stronger person.
If you are this, and you are asking how to quit drinking on your own here are some tips.
• Realize the impact of the decision you are about to make together with the good and the bad that comes along with it.
By visualizing in your mind the task you have at hand and where you want to see yourself after you've completed it, the journey becomes more purposeful and you are able to toughen your resolve.
This is the start of your answers to how to stop drinking.
• Pick out a significant date to quit and commemorate it as a special day in your life.
You are finally taking back control over your life that you have lost to the addiction.
That is already a personal victory that you can claim.
Even if you don't have other people with you, relish the moment that you have decided to make the right choice for yourself.
• The most practical advice on how to quit drinking on your own is to rid your whole life of alcohol.
This includes your home and possibly your environment.
Throw out all remaining bottles and cans as well as everything that will remind you of the good old drinking days.
If drinking has been part of your routine, say after work or before going to bed, make a conscious effort to change that routine.
Find another route home for the time being if the joint you stay in is along the way.
Empty your bar if you have one at home.
• Make quitting more symbolic by buying something to help constantly remind you of the decision you have made to become alcohol free.
Buy a necklace, a ring, or anything that you can see or feel once the urge to drink sinks in.
By holding on to that symbol of change, you remind yourself that alcohol no longer has a power over you.
• Take on a new hobby.
Fill in the gaps in your time left by the disappearance of drinking.
If you used it as a stress reliever, try to get into yoga or practice meditation.
Just make sure that you get into something you love and something you enjoy doing.
These are practical and symbolic ways on how to quit drinking on your own that you can apply.
Remember that as much as other people can help you through the journey, the decision and the will to change ultimately comes from you still.