What Is the Supraspinatus Tendon?
- The supraspinatus tendon is the muscle that connects the scapula to the humerus in the rotator cuff. This tendon creates a tight fit between the ball and socket of the shoulder joint. It runs along the top of the shoulder and is about as wide as a thumb. A healthy supraspinatus tendon should have a uniform texture when pinched between the fingers. A damaged supraspinatus tendon will feel uneven and frayed.
- The supraspinatus tendon helps with the movement of the arm. It is the muscle that enables the abduction of the arm. This is the lateral movement of the upper arm away from the body and to the side. This is the muscle that allows the arms to flap like a bird flying.
- Supraspinatus tendons are vulnerable to tendinitis. This is the inflammation of the tendon. Usually it is caused by overuse. Tendinosus, which is the breakdown of the tendon, also affects the supraspinatus tendon.
- Pain may occur in the middle back of the shoulder when the supraspinatus tendon is overworked. This can occur by carrying heavy loads over a period of time. This can also be caused by strain put on this tendon such as when a large dog constantly jerks on a held leash. This pain can run down the arm from the supraspinatus tendon to the forearm. It may mimic the pain felt by tennis elbow.
- Supraspinatus tendons may be damaged by non-sports-related injuries. The supraspinatus tendon passes under the acromion bone. This is the bone along the top of the shoulder. If this bone pinches the tendon when the arm is raised forward or upward, it can cause impingement syndrome. This creates a weakness in the supraspinatus function. It may get so severe that it causes a breakdown of the supraspinatus tendon near the place of attachment to the humerus bone. If this occurs then surgery is the only option for treatment.