Symptoms of Bone Cancer
This type of malignant cancer is much more likely to occur in children and adolescents than in full grown adults.
Like any cancer, it is better to identify this cancer early in a patient to improve the odds of beating this disease.
One of the first warning signs is general pain stemming from a particular bone.
This cancer is usually affects bones like legs and arms or any area that is a hot spot for growth.
This is why it is more common in younger people who are constantly growing.
If a bone is causing an abnormal amount of pain, it's a good idea to get checked out.
If there is visible lump stemming from a bone, cancer may have developed in or on a bone.
The lump itself is actually a growth known as a tumor.
Unfortunately, having a large tumor like this is very painful and it means that the cancer is growing rapidly.
It is extremely important to get to an oncologist to treat this aggressive cancer.
Another symptom is weakness of the bones.
In many cases, bone cancer is not discovered until a bone is broken.
Bones are more likely to break when this affliction sets in because it generally weakens the strength and integrity of the bone.
Osteoporosis, a weak bone disease, is sometimes mistaken for this condition.
This type of cancer is more likely to affect children than it is adults.
The symptoms include pain coming from a bone, visible tumors stemming from the bone, and weak bones that are easily breakable.
Bone cancer can cause excruciating pain for whoever contracts it.
It is not as common as other forms but still is a very serious condition.