Photographers Plan for Fall Foliage Pictures
Colorful displays abound in the deciduous forests from mid-September through late October on the East cost of the US.
Nature's colorful show delights nature photographers and provides amazing photography opportunities.
At the peak week of the foliage, photographers can be seen at the most scenic locations setting up their tripods and preparing to capture foliage pictures from every imaginable perspective.
In order to be prepared and to make the most of their time, fall nature photographers plan ahead of time where and when will be the best places and times to take fall pictures.
There are only so many hours in the day and nature photographers know that in the brightest hours of the day that light saturation can over expose and render useless even the most wonderful fall scene.
So it is critical to plan for early morning and late evening or even watch the weather forecast and visit areas that will be overcast with clouds to shelter foliage images from the glaring sun.
One of the most popular ways that a leaf foliage photographer will plan their Autumn picture expedition is to use a map which notes some of the best fall foliage scenic areas.
Professional fall nature photographers will begin at the northern most states early in the season around mid-September in the New England states.
Autumn foliage photographers will then either return each weekend a little lower in latitude as the season progresses allowing them to follow the actual leaf color change as the season progresses.
Although rain, wind and early freezing temperatures will have an effect on how long the leaves stay on trees.
Serious Autumn foliage photographers will plan and move according to the weather pattern and the progression of the leaf color changes.
Again, this is best accomplished with a foliage map which outlines the best places for fall foliage pictures.
Even amateur photographers often find that the fall colors just don't last long enough.
In order to prolong the season, consider following the progression of the season.
Many fall leaf enthusiasts may visit further south through the season all the way to the northern Appalachian mountains of Georgia to capture the perfect fall pictures for their nature photography collection.
The best part of an experience is to share and post fall pictures and locations to an interactive fall map for others to enjoy.