Home Remedies For Piles
The common causes of piles disease includes a prolonged period of constipation. This happens because constipation can exert tremendous pressure on the veins of the rectal area over time, making them varicose. Another is spending a lot on the commode trying to defecate can also be a causative factor for piles. Obesity increases the risk of piles, especially if the fat accumulation is more in the lower abdominal area.
Sometimes, a prolonged condition of cough or sneezing can also cause pressure on the rectal area and cause piles to occur. Piles can also occur during pregnancy, due to the pressure caused in the lower abdominal area. However, the piles that occur during pregnancy normally get healed by themselves after childbirth.
To treat piles disease, dietary considerations are very important in people who are looking at getting their piles problems treated. Keep these dietary precautions in mind:
1.Do not eat any constipating foods in case of piles. This will cause undue pressure on the rectum while defecating and will make the piles worse. The foods to be avoided are meats, udad daals, pickles, fried foods, spicy foods and foods that have sour taste.
2.It is very important to purify the entire digestive system before any treatment method for the piles will work. Piles patients must advisably fast for one whole day and then go on a total fruit diet. Jackfruits must be avoided, but all other fruits can be eaten. This fruit diet must be continued for seven days. Fruits are easy to digest and hence there wont be any problems on the rectal area when passing stools.
3.A person with piles must make a regimen of foods such as chappaties made of wheat flour, moong daal with the hull intact, ripe red tomatoes, gourd and leafy vegetables, coriander, milk and buttermilk.
4.Howeverm fools like asafetida, mustard, eggplant, bitter melon, jiggery, red chili peppers, mustard oil and salt etc. must be strictly avoided. These can help must in how to get rid of piles.