The Top 3 Reasons Why Clients Love VIP Day Intensives and Platinum Programs!
These types of programs can be launched overnight, and you don't need to have a big list to create huge paydays! Not only is it great to have the additional income flowing into your business, but clients LOVE these type of programs.
They get a high level of support and accountability that is usually just what they need to take their business or life to the next level of success.
Here are the top 3 reasons why clients love VIP Day Intensives and Platinum Programs:
- Results: Clients love to see results and have their lives change for the better.
The number one reason a potential client would decide to invest in one of these high-end VIP programs is because they clearly understand the results that they should expect as a result of implementing and fully participating in the program.
They can also clearly see how these results will move their business or life forward quickly. - Speed: Clients love getting to their desired result in a specific and accelerated timeframe.
For example, in my 90-Day VIP Intensives, my clients will quickly learn, strategize and plan out what proven business-building strategies they'll use to get more clients, make more money and uplevel their business over the next 6 to 12 months.
Also, by providing my clients with step-by-step checklists, templates, scripts and done-for-you materials, they can easily implement and grow their businesses much faster than they would on their own. - Personalized Attention: Clients love one-on-one time and attention.
Most potential clients are bombarded with too much information.
They know what they need to do, but they don't know how to apply it to their business or life.
By providing personalized attention in a VIP Day or Platinum Program, you can help them clear the fog and understand the exact steps they need to take on a monthly, weekly and daily basis to achieve a desired result.
They also get the one-on-one accountability to take action and make their goals a reality.
If priced and launched properly, this lucrative VIP Day and Platinum Program strategy could easily bring in five figures this month while leveraging your time and brilliance.