Unique Baby Shower Games for Couples
- Many men may get bored sitting in their assigned seat for the duration of the baby shower. Baby shower games that require a little physical activity will keep the guys on their toes. Ideas for physical games at a baby shower can include playing hot potato with a diaper or having races with strollers and fake dolls. Another concept that will have both the guys and girls laughing is to set a timer while the men try to pin a cloth diaper on a doll with one hand. The mother to be can judge the contest while the other women take pictures.
- When a group of men and women get together, it can be the perfect time to play a "Battle of the Sexes" game. Divide the men and women into separate teams. Allow the baby's future grandmothers to act as hosts and come up with questions about labor and child-rearing to ask to the group. You can score the game in one of two ways. You can have teams write down their answers on a piece of paper and total the scores at the end, or if you want to have a more interactive game, you can bring a bell or a buzzer to the party and have a man and a women from each team go in front of the room to answer questions against each other.
- When the hostess first announces that it is time to play a game called "Chug It" at the shower, some guests may get excited and wonder where the ladies have been hiding the beer. The fun and laughter will begin when the men at the party realize that "Chug It" is a completely different kind of drinking game. Each man will be given a baby bottle filled with water or juice. Using a stopwatch, the women will time the men to see who can drink all of the liquid in their bottle the fastest. The men will quickly discover that drinking out of a baby bottle is not as easy as babies make it look.
- There are some traditional baby shower games that can still work during a co-ed shower. One good example is the "What's in the Diaper" game. This game usually calls for the hostess to melt various types of chocolate bars in diapers. It's up to the guests to smell, view and--if they dare--taste the diaper contents to correctly identify the types of chocolate. The team with the most correct answers wins a prize. Although this game has been played at single-sex showers for years, it can easily transition into the co-ed world since men may also find it entertaining due to its gross nature.