Punching Tips For Women
You have to face up to the fact that there is a very real chance that at some point in your life, you may be faced with an unfortunate situation where you have to defend yourself.
Should that be the case, then I want you to feel assured that you are capable of looking after yourself.
One of the reasons why women may be considered a target of crime is because, generally speaking, they have a smaller physical presence than the majority of men.
I would find it very unlikely that an attacker would decide to try engage in a physical confrontation with someone who is obviously physically stronger than them.
This is why I want to show you the punching tips that I have learned which will greatly improve the way that you punch.
It doesn't matter of you are already a martial artist, or have never attended self defense classes, these punching tips are here to help YOU! These punching tips are designed to help you improve the following 3 areas: 1.
To improve the SPEED of your punch.
To improve the POWER of your punch.
To reduce the EFFORT you have to use to deliver the punch.
Over and above this you will also learn some other basic and easy to execute striking tips which will be valuable to you should you be faced with an unfortunate situation.
I want you to always remember that the number 1 form of self defense should always be to avoid confrontation.
There are however times when this is not possible, and you may be forced to defend yourself.
Before we go onto these punching tips which are going to greatly improve your punch and striking ability, I want to tell you 2 very basic things which are essential to remember when you are training/defending yourself.
How to make the perfect fist: I have seen many injuries because someone has not followed this basic routine.
To make a fist, you must open your hand out straight, then role your fingers closed into your palm.
Then close your thumb over your finger so that the finger print rests between the middle finger and ring finger.
This is very important because you do not want to leave that thumb vulnerable when you punch.
Keeping your balance: I have witnesses many people defeated in combat simply because the did not have the correct stance to balance themselves.
You always remember that whilst both feet are on the ground, the should never be further apart than the width of YOUR shoulder.
If you do not follow this simple instruction, you WILL be off balance when you punch and will be left vulnerable.
I know these are 2 very basic instructions but you would be amazed by the amount of people who simply ignore them!