Simple Guide to Approach man or woman you like of Fall In Love With.
What you be learning later is about how to attract them to you. Attracting is not a way to manipulate or forcing an outcome but give them choice of freedom. So both you and she or he will be fulfilled and be happy.
The first attraction tip is giving.
When you saw someone you like or you fall in love, always start thinking of what you want to give them. Of course this does not include money or gift. The giving here are such as fun, happiness, ease, love, care and others.
When you approach people with a giving heart, you don't feel nervous or worry about the results you will get. Lot's of people approach people with the intention of sex, relationship, kiss or hug. This intention will cause resistance from people.
Just think of giving or creating him/her something. This create attractiveness. Have a look around people in your life. Do you notice people who always contribute to others are more attractive? They contribute care, love, happiness, ease, courage or others. So, try this on.
The Second Tip is don't manipulate or try to hypnotize them.
We are all human beings. In the past, we often thought of manipulating people in our life by cheating, convincing or many other ways. So when we see people doing that, we can smell that. It will not attract others too. So don't try to act or speak something to manipulate them to love or like you, be straight in conversation. People love to be with authentic people compare to people with hidden intention all over the face.
That's it. Practice it! You'll create wonderful relationships with anyone including friends and colleagues too.