Amas For Early Cancer Detection, A Simple Blood Test
Cancer is an indiscriminate disease that robs victims of their lives and families of their loved ones. One out of every three Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime and nearly 500,000 individuals die yearly. The current "war" on cancer has failed to curb its steady rise over the past decades. In fact, the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society expect the incidence of cancer to double by 2050. Given these sobering statistics, the best hope for altering the course of cancer is prevention and early detection.
Many tumor markers used to screen for cancer are marginal at best in their accuracy. These markers tend to identify cancer and its recurrence in the later stages of the disease process. While biopsy is the best form of diagnosis, it first requires identification of a tumor that contains over a million cells and carries its own associated risks. Unfortunately, many tumors are not identified until cancer has significantly progressed or already metastasized.
The AMAS (Anti Malignin Antibody in Serum) test by Oncolab offers an early cancer screening alternative. This blood test measures elevations in antibodies to Malignin, a common protein found in most cancer cells, that are formed early in the malignant process. Our immune system creates these antibodies in response the first signs of cancer. Evidence of malignancy can now be detected months to years earlier than with any other screening method. Clinical studies have shown that the accuracy of AMAS in detecting Malignin antibody elevation is greater than 99% (upon repeated testing, 95% with a single test) for a wide range of malignancies. Based on clinical research, the FDA has approved the AMAS as a cancer screening tool to detect initial malignancies. Physicians may also utilize the AMAS as a way of monitoring patients that are in remission.
Cancer doesn"t develop overnight. There are numerous insults to our bodies over time that contributes to the development of cancer. These include toxic overload, immune dysfunction, nutritional deficiency, poor diet, emotional or mental stress, genetic factors, and other cancer risk factors. Researchers report that it can take seven to ten years for cancer to develop. Many wait too long before being properly evaluated or making positive changes in their lifestyle to prevent the onset of this insidious disease.
Holistic practitioners can assist patients in identifying risk factors and restoring proper metabolic function. A detailed health history, focused examination, additional diagnostic testing and AMAS testing are all utilized when cancer is suspected. Referral to the appropriate health care professional for further evaluation may be necessary with a positive AMAS finding. Studies have shown that, survival rates for patients are much greater when their cancer is found early. AMAS offers a useful tool in fighting the "war" on cancer and prevention is the best strategy in winning the battle. Ask your doctor about this valuable test.
Many tumor markers used to screen for cancer are marginal at best in their accuracy. These markers tend to identify cancer and its recurrence in the later stages of the disease process. While biopsy is the best form of diagnosis, it first requires identification of a tumor that contains over a million cells and carries its own associated risks. Unfortunately, many tumors are not identified until cancer has significantly progressed or already metastasized.
The AMAS (Anti Malignin Antibody in Serum) test by Oncolab offers an early cancer screening alternative. This blood test measures elevations in antibodies to Malignin, a common protein found in most cancer cells, that are formed early in the malignant process. Our immune system creates these antibodies in response the first signs of cancer. Evidence of malignancy can now be detected months to years earlier than with any other screening method. Clinical studies have shown that the accuracy of AMAS in detecting Malignin antibody elevation is greater than 99% (upon repeated testing, 95% with a single test) for a wide range of malignancies. Based on clinical research, the FDA has approved the AMAS as a cancer screening tool to detect initial malignancies. Physicians may also utilize the AMAS as a way of monitoring patients that are in remission.
Cancer doesn"t develop overnight. There are numerous insults to our bodies over time that contributes to the development of cancer. These include toxic overload, immune dysfunction, nutritional deficiency, poor diet, emotional or mental stress, genetic factors, and other cancer risk factors. Researchers report that it can take seven to ten years for cancer to develop. Many wait too long before being properly evaluated or making positive changes in their lifestyle to prevent the onset of this insidious disease.
Holistic practitioners can assist patients in identifying risk factors and restoring proper metabolic function. A detailed health history, focused examination, additional diagnostic testing and AMAS testing are all utilized when cancer is suspected. Referral to the appropriate health care professional for further evaluation may be necessary with a positive AMAS finding. Studies have shown that, survival rates for patients are much greater when their cancer is found early. AMAS offers a useful tool in fighting the "war" on cancer and prevention is the best strategy in winning the battle. Ask your doctor about this valuable test.