What You Need to Know About an Aggravated DUI
It's very important to avoid this issue by not mixing drugs and/or alcohol with driving at any time.
And if it happens once, keep it that way.
Unfortunately, many DUI charges turn into multiple violations, felony charges, and what many states call an "aggravated DUI.
" What exactly is an aggravated DUI? What states use it? What penalties can you expect? And who can help legally? Let's find out.
What It Is An aggravated DUI is used when you have multiple violations - it can be for numerous DUI charges, being involved in an accident because of intoxication, driving on a suspended license, having no valid insurance, and breaking the law in other ways beyond simply being intoxicated and driving.
The most common reason you get an one is because of a second, third, or further drinking and driving charges.
You can also sometimes be charged if you're very far over the BAC (blood alcohol content) level, such as reading a.
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08 is breaking the law.
Typically, aggravated DUI will mean a felony charge, and this comes with much stiffer penalties in terms of jail time, fines, and license suspension than a first DUI has.
What States Use It Most all states give felony charges for what is an aggravated DUI, though there are some different terms, such as a aggravated DWI.
That said, there are some states, including Pennsylvania, Maine, Maryland, Florida, and several more who do not use this term.
What Penalties to Expect If you get an aggravated DUI charge, it's not the end of the line, but it may be the last time you legally drive for a very long time.
That's the most common penalty those charged with a DUI get: losing their right to drive.
However, there are many other penalties.
You may be disqualified from specific jobs, though not a large number.
You may spend extended time in prison.
Community service may be a penalty.
You can expect an extended probation sentence.
You can also expect to pay some very large fines.
Even more, your car may be confiscated or have ignition interlock devices installed.
Over half of state laws treat an aggravated DUI very seriously in terms of jail time, with as much as 3 years time charged.
You might also pays tens of thousands of dollars, in some states over $100,000.
Your Legal Options The best move you can make is to hire a professional DUI lawyer.
This is going to cost you some money, but without legal guidance, you will have no valid defense.
If you try to defend yourself, it's like trying to read another language.
If you use a court appointed lawyer, that's better, but far less than having a professional lawyer who can spend time in your case and has an interest in lessening the charges if not beating them.
Simply put, hiring an experienced DUI lawyer can limit the penalties you receive, even the big ones for an aggravated DUI.