2013 Radiology Coding and Billing Update
As per the implementation from CMS there has been reduction in the number of codes used for radiology and revisions for how various services will be coded.
Overall, the coding changes focus on three specific areas: cervical spine, nuclear medicine, and interventional radiology.
This decision of the CMS is in continuation to move towards bundling more CPT codes that routinely appear together.
In this case, the agency will bundle several codes for services that you perform together at least 75 percent of the time.
Several cervicocerebral angiography codes will now be bundled, as well as many transcatheter therapy infusions for thrombolysis and intravascular foreign body retrieval codes.
Although it's not known how these coding changes will impact your bottom line but to protect reimbursement it is essential to review radiology billing and documentation procedures and the efficiency of coders.
Your coding team needs to be well aware of all the changes to ensure your practice is not affected.
A convenient way to get relevant information is through audio webinars or coding seminars.
Moreover, fluid communication between the technologist, interventional radiologist, and the hospital's health information management staff will become vital to complete radiology reimbursement.
It's essential to follow Medicare rules, for instance you need to document your services clearly and consistently.
It is important to list exam titles and clinical indications separately from findings or impressions.
Also descriptions should be brief and should include modality with the exam title.
You can also avoid insufficient reimbursement and ensure compliance by including all required details for correct documentation.
Radiologists must make themselves as knowledgeable as possible about procedure codes and coding changes.
CTA documentation: CTA coding can leave even tenured coders confused.
Very precise information must be dictated to assist the coder in determining if the procedure was a CT or CTA.
The documentation must state that 3D images were present and interpretation for those images must be made in order to compliantly charge for a CTA.
This must be used to report angiographic reconstructions as well.
Coders need to be careful with accepted terminology in order to determine the correct CPT® code to bill for the services rendered.
For CTA, the use of a separate or integrated work station does not need to be indicated.
It is highly essential to have clear and detailed documentation of any medical service performed in medical care.
This is because medical reports or records are used to convey the services performed for the patient precisely for timely and accurate reimbursement.
Also it can be determined if correct procedure has been performed and billed accordingly.
Coders review this information to report the services performed thereby helping to ensure your practice is compliant.
Without the correct information in the report, the procedure you actually performed may not be the procedure billed and this can lead to loss of reimbursement or even audits.