How to Paint a Round Object
- 1). Make a stand for the spherical object. Find a round bowl or canister with a lip that has a smaller diameter than the round object.
- 2). Trace the smaller circle onto the side of a study cardboard box with a pencil.
- 3). Cut out the cardboard circle with the utility knife or scissors. Make sure the circle is smaller than the diameter of the object. This way, if you paint exactly half, it will rest securely on the box without any paint touching the paper.
- 1). Apply a first layer and allow it to dry to avoid running paint. Set the round object on a stand, or prop it up with objects at its four corners.
- 2). Paint a first layer on the untouched side of the sphere, and set it in the stand or prop it up to dry.
- 3). Then, paint another layer, careful to keep the wet paint from touching the stand.
- 1). Turn the round object 90 degrees away from the "equator" of the round object and apply another coat of paint. Turning the object should prevent a line created by the overlap of paint.
- 2). Turn the round object 180 degrees to apply another coat of paint on the opposite side of the sphere. Set it in the stand until dry.
- 3). Add another coat of paint to the other side of the round object, and let it dry in the stand. Turn the round object 180 degrees again, and add another coat of paint. Let the orb stand until dry.
- 4). Spray with a protective coat or varnish the round object for a complete look.