Angelic Therapy
Angels are Divine light beings who want to work with you.
The word angel means literally "messenger of God".
That is their purpose.
They want to assist you in every aspect of your life.
Angels do not care what your religion is; nor are they judgmental.
They carry only unconditional love.
Angels are universal archetype beings that can being traced back to ancient times.
So whether you call them angels, elementals, goddess, or some other deity name, they will hear you and answer you.
The Angelic Realm has many divine beings to help you on your journey.
Every person has a guardian angel stationed permanently at your side (regardless of whether you believe in angels or not, they are still there.
) There are archangels.
These are the angels most have heard of.
Their purpose's vary, but all over see the guardian angels.
There are angels for physical needs, finder angels, healing angels, protector angels and angels simply of light and comfort.
Through learning to connect and call upon the angels, you can and will learn how to understand Divine Guidance.
You can learn to understand the signs from the angels, the colors they use, the numbers, and help you discover your true life purpose.
There are a number of ways to initiate angelic therapy in your life - right now.
The first step is to ask.
It is as simple as that.
Angelic beings operate under the "free will" laws.
They can not jump in and intervene unless you ask them.
So ask...
what can it hurt? Second, after asking, you must allow them to give you the guidance and help you have just freely asked for.
Sounds basic, however, so many of us ask for the help in our lives and then refuse to listen.
Lastly, do not expect the angelic realm to solve all your problems for you.
Yes they can do miracles and often do.
However, many times they will lay out a path for you to follow and take action on.
It is your choice and responsibility to do the footwork they lay out in front of you.
There are many ways to connect and communicate with the angelic realm.
This is just the simpliest and most basic way to invite them to help you today.