Word of the Day: Urticaria
La palabra del día:
la urticaria
Pronunciación aproximada:
oohr-tee-CAH-ryah (The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.)
hives, rash, urticaria
En la población infantil, la urticaria se asocia más frecuentemente a infecciones respiratorias o a alergias.
Among infants, hives are associated most frequently with respiratory infections or with allergies.
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la urticaria
Pronunciación aproximada:
oohr-tee-CAH-ryah (The Spanish r here is pronounced with a tap of the tongue against the front of the palate.)
hives, rash, urticaria
En la población infantil, la urticaria se asocia más frecuentemente a infecciones respiratorias o a alergias.
Among infants, hives are associated most frequently with respiratory infections or with allergies.
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